The scenario takes on some parts of the novel "The Settlers of Catan". The Players re-enact the landing, clearing and settlement of the island.

The board is set up as shown at the right.
Each player begins with a die and the three walls in player colours from Cities and Knights expansion and only one ship from the seafaring expansion.
There are 5 special ports, 5 ports 3-1 and 24 churches/temples.
Foundation phase
The usual start-up phase is omitted, no settlements are built.
Each player places a ship at sea on a hex edge at the Northern edge of the scenario (pointing away from one of the intersections shared with the (old, rectangular) frame. No other ships can be built in the game.
Game Play
Movement of vessels
Until the first ship of a player reaches the coast of Catan, the ships are moved as follows. The active player rolls one die and adds 1 to the die roll All the other players roll the dice as well.
The player who has the highest roll, advances his ship by one edge. If several players are tied for highest roll, all of them are allowed to move their ship Then the next player takes their turn.
If on a player rolls a 6 (giving him a total of 7), a gale is blowing. The active player may move all ships one edge in any direction.
Only one ship is allowed on each edge.
Once the first ship landed on the coast of Catan (ie on an Edge of a land hex), two dice are rolled, as usual. From now on, each player may advance his ship by one edge at the end of their turn. Ships must not move across intersections containing (coastal) settlements (it is irrelevant whether it is your own or third-party settlements).
The Landing
Edges between two landscapes, which both border the sea, are fjords and therfore count as the coast. Ships may use these edges. But you may not (for example a the gold 4 or the wood 10 hex, on the map) move from fjord to fjord.
Ships which are on the coast of Catan, generate the resources of the adjacent hex fields (2 resources if situated in a fjord, 1 resource if situated between a sea and a land hex).
The first settlement
Settlements may be built on intersections touched by the ship. Roads can therefore only be built after the construction of the first settlement.
The first settlement is built for free (you might say it is built with the resources brought to Catan). After the first settlement is built the ship may find new spots to make landfall and continue to create more settlements.
Clearing Land
At the beginning the island is covered with a lot of forest. There is are no field hexes where grain is grown. You must first clear it. For two wood and a brick, a forest hex can be converted to grainfield hex.
When the dice roll is 2 or 12 the player whose turn it is gets a 3:1 port (as long as stock lasts) to place on a city or settlement.
Special ports are bought and immediately come into play at an existing coastal settlement or city (and not down to the reservoir). A special port costs three resource cards of one kind of a different resource.
Example: Player A buys a wood port for three bricks, and places it immediately on a coastal settlement.
Temples and churches
In each settlement, a temple or a church may be built. In each city, two may be built, but never 1 of each in a city. A temple or a church costs 1 wool and 1 wood and is placed at a settlement or city.
After building the first church or temple you recieve the card "to the glory of God" (for a church) or "In honor of Odin"(for a temple), which are worth one victory point.
If there is the same number of churches and temples on the board, all the glory/honor cards must be returned to the bank.
When there are more churches than temples on the board, the cards "to Glory of God" are distributed to the two players who have the most churches built on the board.
If there are three or four players who have churches and it can't be determined who has the most because of ties, then no one gets "Glory" cards. The same is true for the cards "to the honor of Odin", if more temples than churches stand on the game board.
Example 1: Player A has three, players B and C have two churches built. Player D has built four temples. Then Player A receives only one Card "To the glory of God".
Example 2. Players A, B and C each have two churches built. Player D has our temples built. Then no player receives a card.
Example 3. Players A and B have built three temples. Player C has four Churches, Player D has built a temple and a church. Then Players A and B each get a card "To the glory of Odin".
The Robber, Stockades and City Walls
In this scenario, mean old , "Olaf" lives in "Olaf Castle", the in Desert.
Players can protect individual settlements and cities from OLAF by building a city wall or a stockade. A city wall costs 2 Brick and has the usual effect of Cities and Knights (you may have 9 instead of 7 cards without worring about discarding).
In addition, walled cities may not be attacked by Olaf, he must not be placed on one of the adjoining countryside fields. A stockade is a city wall placed under a settlement. It protects only the settlement from Olaf, but not the entire hex.
A stockade becomes a city wall when a settlement is upgraded.
End of the Game
The first player who has 12 victory points during their turn wins.
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