Santa needs wool for his new coat and the coats of his elves.
If you give Santa Claus wool on your turn, you may move him to a hex on the island of Catan. Once he arrives on the hex, he gives the settlers Christmas gifts and may even chase away the robber!
This scenario is suitable as an add-on for up to 6 players and all expansions that include the robber.

- 1 "Home of Santa Clause" special Hex
- 1 "Santa Claus" cardboard setup
- 11 "gift" tokens
Set up the game board as usual.
Replace the terrain hex marked with the "2" number token with the "Home of Santa Claus" special hex.
Place the "2" number token on the terrain hex marked with a "12"; this hex produces when a "2" is rolled and when a "12" is rolled.
Place Santa Claus on the "Home of Santa Claus" special hex.
Place the gift tokens beside the game board - they are the supply.
Game Rules
The usual base game or expansion rules apply.
In addition, the following scenario rules are used:
Moving Santa Claus
If it is your turn and - after rolling for production - you give Santa Claus 1 wool (i.e., you return the wool card to the supply), move him to any terrain hex not occupied by the robber.
If you give Santa Claus 2 wool, you may even move him to the hex occupied by the robber and chase the robber away, in which case you place the robber on the desert.
Important: You are not allowed to move Santa Claus more than once during your turn.
Receiving Gift Tokens (One or More)
If you move Santa Claus to a terrain hex, all players who have one or more settlements or cities adjacent to that hex receive 1 gift token.
If you move Santa Claus to the "Home of Santa Claus" special hex, all players who have one or more settlements or cities adjacent to that hex receive 2 gift tokens.
Placing Gift Tokens
If you have at least 2 gift tokens, immediately return 2 gift tokens to the supply and take any 1 resource of your choice in exchange.
Moving the Robber
You are neither allowed to move the robber to the hex occupied by Santa Claus nor to the "Home of Santa Claus" special hex.
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