The prosperity of Catan does not remain unnoticed. Booty-hungry excited barbarians land at the coasts of Catan and spread fear and fright.
Now the peaceful times are over! One never knows where they will attack. First there is only a few barbarians who only ruin raw material production. However, if they are strong enough they will besiege settlements and cities with devastating consequences. But Cataners stand together, train knights and send them into combat. Will you be strong enough?
Booty-hungry barbarians land at the coast of Catan. First they spread fear and fright by their bare presence. But as ever more barbarians come from over the sea, they occupy land fields and block their yields. When barbarians threaten your settlements and cities at the coast, train the Catan knights in the castle and send into battle with the barbarian hordes.

Game Components
- 4 Barbarians
- 24 Knights, 6 in each color
- 26 Event Cards
- Castle Field
- Color Cube
- Gold Coins with value 1 and 5
Landscape layout: first lay the desert and the castle field as illustrated. In the outside grey coastal areas randomly lay out: 2 x forest, 2 x hills, 3 x pasture, 1 x mountain and 2 x grain field. These landscapes are called coast fields.

The internal white surface is laid randomly with 1 x forest, 1 x pasture, 1 x hill, 2 x mountains and 2 x grain field. One of the forest tiles is not needed.
Number chips placement: After the landscapes are laid out, the Number chips are placed according to the pattern illustrated below.

Each player receives 6 knights of his colour.
Two barbarians start on the map, one on the 2 field and one on the 12 field. The remaining barbarians are placed nearby.
Play with the development cards of this scenario. The development cards of the basic game are not needed.
The colour cube is put on the castle field.
The "Largest Army" token is not needed.
The robber piece is not needed.
Each player creates first a settlement and then a city. During the establishment of the city there is one starting raw material for each adjacent landscape only.
Game Play
Use basic rules with the following supplements:
- Barbarians land on Catan (if a player builds a city or a settlement)
- Development card drawn - uncover and implement immediately (trading/building phase)
- Knight placement (purchase of development cards "Ritterweihe" or "Black Knight")
- Knight movement (after trading/building phase)
- Driving out the barbarians (at the end of a turn)
I. Barbarians land on Catan
A. Barbarian Invasion
Each time a player builds a settlement or a city, the barbarian assault takes place immediately.
The player interrupts his turn and must then throw three different numbers on the dice. If a "7" or a repeat number is thrown, reroll until 3 different numbers excluding "7" are thrown.
After each dice throw place a barbarian on a matching numbered coastal field. No barbarian is placed if the number thrown is that of a coastal field which is already occupied by 3 barbarians The dice throw is not repeated in this case.
B. Coastal field conquered
As soon as 3 barbarians are present on a coastal field, the number chip of the field is flipped over.
This landscape does not now generate yield when its number is thrown. Since the number chip is now flipped, no more barbarians can be placed on the conquered coastal field with a barbarian assault.
No roads or settlements may now be built on the border on a conquered coastal field.
C. Barbarians conquer settlements and cities
As soon as a city or a settlement is surrounded by sea or conquered coastal fields, they are considered as conquered and do not count for victory points.
If this city or settlement possesses a port, this may no longer be used. As an indication of a conquered settlement/city, lay it on its side.
Since the desert and the castle field can never be conquered, settlements or cities at these fields are safe from conquest.
As soon as all the barbarians from supply have landed on Catan, no more barbarians are placed.
II. Development cards
Development cards, when bought, must be immediately shown and implemented. A player may buy as many development cards as desired in a turn but must then use them in the turn purchased. Played development cards are discarded. When the draw deck is used up the discards are shuffled to form a new draw deck.
III. Knight Placement

A knight is placed if one plays the development card "Black knight" or "Ritterweihe". When the card "Ritterweihe" is played a knight from supply may be placed on a free edge of the castle field. With the card "Black knight", a knight may be placed on any free edge of any field.
IV. Knight Movement
A player may move each of his knights after the trading and building phase. If he placed a knight in this turn on the edge of the castle field, he must move it away from there.
Each knight may be move up to 3 spaces; if a player pays a grain, 1 knight can move up to 5 spaces. To move several knights 5 spaces he must pay 1 grain for each knight.
Knights may jump over any other knights, settlements and cities. A knight may not terminate his move on a space occupied by another Knight.
Also a knight may never end a move on an edge of the castle field.
A knight may be moved onto or over spaces with roads of any player.
V. Victory over the Barbarians
A. Check for a victory condition
After each turn the check each coastal field for victory over the barbarians. Starting with the coastal field next to the castle field and progressing clockwise examine each coastal field The condition for victory is met if more knights are present at the field than barbarians.
B. Victory condition is fulfilled
The defeated barbarians of the coastal field are distributed as prisoners to the players involved according to the following rule:
If only one player has knights present he receives all the prisoners.
If several players had knights involved each keeps a prisoner. If there are insufficient prisoners for alI, each player throws both dice. The players, who throw highest receive a prisoner. Anyone who does not get a prisoner receives as consolation 3 gold. With a draw thrown again.
If any prisoners remain distribute them to the players who alone contributed the most knights to the victory. If there is no such player, throw again as before. Who wins, receives the prisoners. Losing eligible playersreceive 3 gold.
Each two prisoners a player possesses are worth 1 victory point.
C. If a coastal field occupied by 3 barbarians is re-conquered…
… the number chip on the coastal field is flipped to its number side up, this field will now again produce if its number is thrown. On the other hand a barbarian assault will allow barbarians to land on this fieId again.
All cities and settlements at a re-conquered coastal field - if they were conquered by the barbarians - are stood back up and receive their victory points back.
D. Loss of Knights after a victory
After a victory over the barbarians, the player throws the colour cube from the centre of the castle field to determine any knight losses. A knight on any of the two colour matching spaces (green, violet or brown), on the contested field, is lost. A lost knight is returned to the supply of the owner. For each knight lost in this way the owner receives 3 gold as remuneration.
Throwing a 7
The player who throws a 7, may take a raw material (not gold) from any player. Even though the robber does not get placed, the rule still applies that a player, who possesses more than 7 raw materials, must return half of them.
The Gold
During his turn a player may, no more than twice, spend 2 gold to buy any raw material. Also gold can be acquired by use of own ports and by trading with fellow players.

Event Cards
Place 1 knight on any edge of the 6 castle field.
Black Knight
Place 1 knight on any available space of any field.
Receive 2 gold. Move 2 barbarians from 2 different fields and set them on 2 other fields. If there are not enough barbarians on the fields, take any extras from the supply.
Take 1 barbarian from any field and add him to your prisoners! If there are no barbarians on the coastal fields, draw another card.
With the events "betrayal" and "plot" barbarians are removed from coastal fields. A barbarian removed from a conquered (occupied by 3 barbarians) will allow an adjacent, possibly conquered settlement or city to be restored. The number chip is returned to its number side. The field again provide yields, until a third barbarian is placed on the field again.
End of the Game
The game ends, as soon as a player, during their turn, has 12 victory points.
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