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Rating: 6.6 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-8 players
Playing time: 15-20 minutes

Created by: (Uncredited), (Uncredited), Susanne Cumer

Published by: ABC Nürnberg, Adolph Holst A/S, Alortujou

Alternate Names: Acchiappami, Attenti al cane!, Attention au chien, Attrape poisson, Attrape-Moi


Pounce is a variant of the public domain game, Buttons.

A game involving rubber mice, dice, cheese tokens, and a miniature toilet plunger. There are several different Pounce editions which have substantially different components, but similar gameplay.

The 2004 edition, for example, has a plastic cat shaped capture device that doesn't resemble a toilet plunger.

A player rolls the dice and depending on their roll either tries to plunge the mice or not. Players holding the mice must pull their mice away before they are captured.

Similar to:

  • Hasch mich!
  • 3 Blind Mice
  • Nopea veto
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