If you have already played with just Module 1, or if you are looking for a greater challenge, you can make the game more varied and interesting by adding the following 4 Modules.
Important! Each Module builds upon the previous ones. So if you want to play with Module 4, you must also use Modules 1,2 and 3!
Module 2 - "Schnapps - That was his Last Word.."
Doubloons and Beer? Bah! Strong liquor is what makes the world go around! And it can also lead to special bonuses!
Components: Module 2
- 20 Schnapps Tokens
- 12 Double-Sided Entertainer Tiles (3 different Entertainers, 4x each)
- 3 Schnapps Tiles (for Monastery Board)
Lay out the Monastery Board with the winter side (with snow) upwards. Place the Schnapps Tiles in the 3 recesses in the Monastery Board so that the schnapps are visible.

The Schnapps Tiles showing 2 Schnapps are placed between Rounds 2 and 3 and between Rounds 5 and 6. The tile showing a single Schnapps is placed between Rounds 4 and 5. Set up the rest of the game as described for Module 1.

Next, place the 20 Schnapps Tokens near the Monastery Board. Take 1 set of the 3 different Entertainer Tiles per player and place them next to the Monastery Board as well. Return the unused Entertainer Tiles to the box.
Changes in Gameplay
The Round Track
The winter side of the Monastery Board contains some new bonuses on the Round Track, as follows:

Schnapps: When the Round Marker (Moon) passes a Schnapps symbol, each player immediately receives 1 (in Rounds 2,5 and 8) or 2 (in Rounds 3 and 6) Schnapps Tokens from the general supply.
These are placed on the Tavern Board on top of the Counter.

In Rounds 2, 3 and 5, thirsty Entertainers will visit your Tavern to entertain your Guests. Each player takes the pictured Entertainer Tile and chooses 1 of the 2 sides.
He places the tile in his Tavern with the chosen side face up. This does not grant an immediate action, however! It can be activated later by using Schnapps Tokens.
Note: The Entertainer Tiles cannot be flipped to their opposite side once placed in your tavern, so choose wisely!

Taking a Schnapps Action
If you have enough Schnapps, you can offer them to the Entertainers, who then thank you for your gift in return with a bonus action.
Return the required number of Schnapps Tokens, as shown on the Entertainer Tile, to the general supply, and then perform the pictured action.
All actions (with the exception of 1 side of the Juggler, see below) may be performed as often as you'd like, as long as you have enough Schnapps Tokens to pay for them.
Schnapps Actions:
During the action phase
F, return 1 Schnapps Token to the general supply and receive 2 Doubloons. -
During the action phase
F, return 2 Schnapps Tokens to the general supply and receive 3 Beers. -
During the action phase
F, return 5 Schnapps Tokens to the general supply and immediately upgrade 1 area of your Tavern for free. You do still receive a Noble card for upgrading in this way. -
During the action phase
F, return 2 Schnapps Tokens to the general supply and immediately remove 1 "Regular" or other Guest card seated at 1 of your Tables from the game. You may only remove a Guest of there is not a Die currently on it. -
During the "Closing Time!" phase
G, return 1 Schnapps Token to the general supply. Before discarding your played cards to your discard stack, you may place 1 of them face down on top of your draw deck. This action may only be performed lx per Round. -
During the action planning phase
E, return 1 Schnapps Token to the general supply and turn 1 of your Dice to any side before placing it on an action space.
Attention: Each player may not have more than 4 Schnapps Tokens at the end of his turn. Excess tokens must be returned to the general supply.
End of the Game
Each remaining Schnapps Tokens is worth 1 Victory Point at the end of the game.
Module 3 - "Your Reputation Precedes You.."
A good reputation is the nuts and bolts of any flourishing Tavern. If a Tavern is managed wisely and with balance, the path to success is almost guaranteed!
Components: Module 3
- 4 Reputation Markers
- 16 Bard Cards
- 10 New Guest Cards with grig symbol
- Reverse side of the Host tile with the Reputation Track

Mix the 10 Guest Cards with a White Die symbol at the top into the stack of Guest Cards from Module 1. Lay out the Monastery Board with the winter side (with snow) upwards.
Place the Schnapps Tiles in the 3 recesses in the Monastery Board so that the schnapps are not visible. Place the 16 Bard Cards face up in a stack next to the Beer Merchants in the open display.

Flip the Host tile of your Tavern Board so that the side showing the Reputation Track is face up (see right).

The small cutout at the bottom of the Reputation Track is flipped so the signature side is face down. Each player receives a Reputation Marker, which is placed on the Host.
Unused Reputation Markers are returned to the box. Set up the rest of the game as described for Modules 1 and 2.
Changes in Gameplay
The Reputation Track
The Reputation Track is a track consisting of 11 spaces (or 12 spaces when using Module 5). Whenever your Reputation increases, move your Reputation Marker clockwise on the track.
Once you reach the Crown space, return your Marker to the "1" Victory Point space and continue from there. At the end of the game, you will earn Victory Points according to the space your Marker is on (see Game End section).
If your Reputation marker reaches or passes one of the following spaces, you immediately receive the specified bonus:

Take 1 Schnapps Token.

Take 1 Schnapps Token or remove 1 Guest from your Tavern.

Take 1 Noble card and place it face down on the top of your draw deck.
The Reputation Phase
After you have placed all of your Dice in Phase E, and before you perform your first action in Phase F, you now complete an additional sub-phase: The Reputation Phase.
First, you'll check to see how many Doubloons you'll earn from your Dice placement.
This is the sum of:
- Doubloons that you receive via Guest Cards (which have a Die placed on them).
- 1 or 3 Doubloons that you receive via the Cashbox (if a Die has been placed there).
Then you'll check to see you many Beers you'll earn. This is the sum of:
Beer that you receive via your Beer Supplier: For each Die placed there, you receive 1 Beer (or 2, if upgraded), plus 1 Beer for each additional Beer Supplier card you have played.
1 or 2 Beers you receive via the Barrel (if a Die has been placed there).
1 Beer for every Beer Merchant placed next to your Beer Storage.
You now move your Reputation Marker as many spaces on the Reputation Track as indicated by the lower of these 2 totals.
Important: For The Calculation Ofyour Doubloons And Beer Production, Count Only The Action Spaces Containing Dice, As Well As The Beer Merchants.
All Doubloons and Beer that were earned by other methods are not counted here. Therefore, do not count Doubloons in the Safe or Beer in the Beer Storage, or those that you receive via Entertainers, the Monastery Track bonuses or instant Guest bonuses.
Even if you upgrade an area during Phase F, which would result in a higher production of Doubloons or Beer, that additional production does not count since the Reputation Phase is performed before Phase F.
Important: When the current player has finished his Reputation Phase, he immediately continues with Phase F. Only after he finishes PhaseF does the next player perform his Reputation Phase.
Attention: If you re-arrange your Dice during Phase F , this has a retroactive effect on your Reputation Track. Remember to adjust your Reputation Marker accordingly if you change your plans!

The Bards
The Bards are performers you can hire for your Tavern. During the action phase, you can hire a Bard for 1 Doubloon. Like all other Tavern Cards, the Bards are placed face down on the top of your draw deck when hired.
If you draw a Bard while filling your Tavern in Phase B, place it to the right of your Beer Storage (in the same row where Beer Merchants are placed).
The Serenade of the Bard
For each Bard drawn during PhaseB, you may move your Reputation Marker 1 space ahead on the Reputation Track in Phase F.

New Guests
If you recruit a Guest Card that shows a Reputation Marker symbol, you immediately move your Reputation Marker a number of spaces ahead on the Reputation Track as indicated on the card.

If you recruit a Guest Card that shows a Schnapps symbol, you immediately receive 1 Schnapps Token.
With either of these special Guests, the bonus will not be activated again, if you place the Guest at 1 of your Tables on a later turn.
End of the Game
In addition to your other Victory Points from the previous Modules, you also earn Victory Points for your Reputation at the end of the game.
These Victory Points depend on how far your Reputation Marker has progressed.
You receive the number of Victory Points shown on the Reputation Track space your Marker is on, or the highest-numbered space you have passed if your Marker is on either of the 2 Schnapps spaces.
If your Marker is on the Crown space, you will not receive any additional Victory Points (since you earn 10 Victory Points simply by taking the Noble Card).
Module 4 - "Every Beginning is Difficult..."
Anyone can open a basic Tavern - it only takes a Waitress, a Beer Supplier and a Table. But that does not mean that there aren 't more successful business models out there!
Components: Module 4
7 Start Cards
The only change to game setup with this Module is that each player does not automatically add 1 Waitress, 1 Table and 1 Beer Supplier to his starting draw deck - instead, each player uses a Start Card.
Shuffle the 7 Start Cards and randomly reveal 3 of them. Each player chooses 1 of the revealed cards and takes the starting items shown on it. Several or even all players may choose the same Start Card.
Take 1 Waitress, 1 Table and 1 Beer Supplier (as in the Module 1 rules).
Take 1 Bard, 1 Beer Merchant, 1 Beer Supplier and 1 Waitress.
Move your Monastery Marker ahead 3 spaces on the Monastery Track (you will immediately receive 1 Beer Merchant as a result of this movement). However, you must also remove 2 "Regulars" from your draw deck. These cards are returned to the box.
Take 1 Schnapps. In addition, immediately upgrade the Table area of your Tavern for free. You do not receive a Noble Card for this upgrade.
Take 1 Bard and 1 Table. In addition, immediately upgrade the Beer Storage area of your Tavern for free. You do not receive a Noble Card for this upgrade. ATTENTION: Immediately set your Beer Storage Marker to 5. You will start the game with 5 Beers.
Take 1 Waitress card. In addition, immediately hire a permanent Waitress for free by flipping over the Dog tile to the other side. You do not receive a Noble Card for this upgrade.
Take 1 Dishwasher. However, you must also remove 1 "Regular" from your draw deck. This card is returned to the box. In addition, immediately upgrade the Cashbox area of your Tavern for free. You do not receive a Noble Card for this upgrade.
Do not forget to shuffle your draw deck before the first Round!
All other rules from Modules 1,2 and 3 remain as usual.
Module 5 - "The later the hour, the nicer the guests.."
Your reputation might precede you, but can you produce a guest book full of signatures of satisfied customers as proof? If you hope to impress those indecisive Nobles, you best hope so!
Components: Module 5
- 4 Guest Books
- 40 Signature Tiles

Set up the game as described for Modules 1-4. With this Module, however, flip over the small cutout at the bottom of the Reputation Track so the signature side is face up.
Each player receives a Guest Book and places it above his Tavern Board. Any unused Guests Books are returned to the box.
Place the Signature Tiles in a general supply next to the display of Guest Cards. Place 1 Signature Tile on each of the 4 face up Guest Cards in the open display, and 1 on the top card in the "3 Beer" stack.
Changes in Gameplay
The Guest Book
Your Guest Book consists of 4 columns that you fill from top to bottom with Signature Tiles. There are 2 ways to fill your Guest Book:
Whenever you recruit a Guest with Beer, take the Signature Tile placed on the Guest Card and put it in your Guest Book (the Guest writes his/her name in the Guest Book).
Place the tile in the column that corresponds to the value of the Guest you just recruited (3/4 Beer, 5 Beer, 6 Beer or 7/8 Beer).
When you refill the row of face up Guests from the draw pile, you immediately take a Signature Tile from the general supply and place it on the Guest Card that has just been drawn. Also, when a "3 Beer" Guest is recruited, place a new Signature Tile on top of the next "3 Beer" Guest on top of the stack.
If your Reputation Marker reaches or passes the Signature symbol on the Reputation Track, take a Signature Tile from the general supply and place it in any column of your Guest Book (remembering to fill from top to bottom!).
If you place a Signature Tile on a space showing a bonus, you receive that bonus immediately. If you would need to place a Signature Tile in a column that is already filled with Tiles, the Tile is not taken and you do not receive anything.
You receive the following bonuses immediately upon placing a Signature Tile on the corresponding space:
Take 1 Beer and place it face down on the top of your draw deck.
Take 1 Dishwasher and place it face down on the top of your draw deck.
Take 1 Waitress and place it face down on the top of your draw deck.
Take 1 Table and place it face down on the top of your draw deck.
Move your Reputation marker forward 1 or 3 spaces.
Take 1 Noble and place it face down on the top of your draw deck.
Take 1 Schnapps Token from the general supply.
If you place a Signature Tile in the last empty space in a horizontal row of your Guest Book, you immediately receive 1 Noble and put it face down on top of your draw deck.
The number of Signature Tiles is limited. In the rare case that you recruit a Guest without a Signature Tile on it, you will not be able to enter his/her signature into your Guest Book.
Note that even when playing with Module 5, you may only recruit 1 new Guest per Round.
All other rules from Modules 1-4 remain as usual.
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