
- Gameboard
- 1 spinner (in 4 parts)
- 6 cars
- 52 people pegs (blue and pink)
- 12 career cards
- 18 promotion tokens
- 6 land tokens
- 6 plastic house stands
- 12 house tokens
- 12 house cards
- 7 lottery tokens
- 17 LIFE tokens
- 7 Extreme LIFE tokens
- 54 bank loans
- 1 pack of money
- 6 reminder cards
- 50 Story cards
- 20 Extreme Story cards
Object of the Game
Move around the board and live life as an adventure! Will you take the safe path and build your fortunes the sensible way or will you risk it all as you walk the extreme path?
Follow the instructions on the space you land on or take a story card and experience an amazing event based on real life. Extreme Story cards are events sent to us by real people - look for the name and country on the card.
Win or lose money for the things you do as you move around the track. Choose a crazy real-life home and an off-the-wall career. Get married, have lots of babies to win you money at the end of the game. Work hard, play hard and make your life count.
The richest player at the end of the game wins!
Place facedown LIFE tokens on the Winners' Podium spaces. The number of LIFE tokens is shown on each space.
Without looking at the values, place a facedown land token on each land space.
Shuffle the Story, Extreme Story, House and Career and College Career cards separately and place them facedown in piles near the board.
Choose a player to act as banker. Nobody has money at the start, but later the banker deals with bank loans, promotions and any money going in and out of the bank.
Banker, give each player (including yourself) a reminder card and a car, house stand and lottery token of the same color. Leave the golden lottery token near the board.
You start the game with no money - if you have to spend money before you've earned any, get a bank loan!

Game Play
Before you Start
Each put a pink or blue peg in your car (that's you, driving along!) and choose whether to start on the Career or College start space. Any number of players can start on either space.
Start College
College Students, take a $20K bank loan from the banker and put it in front of you.

You will stop and choose your career as soon as you reach the Diploma space.
You can pay off your bank loan on any turn, as long as you have enough cash.
Start Career
Career Starters, pick your career before you start.
Shuffle the career cards, facedown, and take any 3. Look at them and choose the one you want, then place it face up in front of you and put the others back in the pile.
The player with the most extreme hairdo starts. Play continues to the left.
On your turn:
Spin the spinner and move that many spaces around the board, in the direction of the arrows. Players can land on the same space.
Follow the instructions on the space you land on. If you're not sure what to do, look for that space in the Reference section for more detail.
If there are no instructions on the space you land on, ask the player on your left to read you a story card (the red story or the black one, depending on what color the spinner stopped on). Do what the card tells you.
If you're on the extreme track when you do this, take an Extreme Story card.
When you're done, your turn is over.
Take out a bank loan if you have to pay for something but you don't have enough cash.
Things to Know
Green Spaces

Whenever you pass over or land on a green space, do what that space says. e.g. PAY DAY Collect your salary from the banker.

Life Tokens
If you land on a space with a LIFE symbol on it (or Extreme LIFE if you're on the black extreme track), take the relevant token and, without peeking at the value on the front, put it facedown in front of you.

Red Stop Spaces
Whenever you see a red STOP sign, STOP! - even if you have moves left. Do what the space says, then spin again to move. e.g. Get your diploma.

For College students, the first STOP space is the DIPLOMA space.
Game Over
As soon as 2 players have reached RETIREMENT at the end of the track, jump to End of the Game.
Bank Loans

Taking out Loans
The banker is in charge of bank loans. if you have to pay for anything before you've earned any money, you must take out a bank loan.
Keep your loan certificate in front of you until you decide to pay it back.

Example: You need to buy a house worth $120K, but you only have $90K.
Take two $20K loans from the banker. That counts as $40K towards the price of your house. Now pay the difference ($80K) to the banker.
You will have $10K left over. Pay off the loans whenever you have enough money to do so.
Paying Back Loans
You can only offer to pay back loans if you have enough money to cover the loan amount and the 50% interest, should you have to pay it.
Tell the banker how many loans you want to pay off and spin the spinner.
- Spin black: Pay the bank the loan amount.
- Spin red: Pay the bank the loan amount plus 50% interest.

Example: Bank loan $100K Spin black: You owe $100K.
Spin red: You owe $100K+$50K ($150K in total).
You can only offer to pay the loan if you have at least $150K in your personal funds.
The Board
Start College
Start here to study before you choose your career. Take a $20K bank loan right before you start.

Start Career
Start here if you want to start earning right away. See page 3 to choose your career before you start.
Wherever you land on the board, do what the space tells you!
Spaces you land on
Only do what these spaces say when you land on them.
Get a Life Token!

Take a LIFE token from the pile near the board and put it facedown in front of you. If there are none left, you can steal one from another player.
Extreme Life Tokens

If you land on this space, take an extreme LIFE token. If they're all gone, feel free to steal.
Story Spaces

If you land on a blank space, it's time for a story. Ask the player on your left to take a Story card and read out the red or black story.
Where did the spinner stop? The inner ring shows red or black - wherever it stopped, that's the story for you!
Do what the story tells you - you could win or lose lots of cash.
Extreme Story Spaces

if you land on a blank space on the extreme track, ask the person on your left to read you an extreme Story card. Follow the instructions in the story (only one extreme story per card).
Each card shows the name and country of the person this event happened to and could win or lose you large amounts!

All play for a chance to win the jackpot shown on the space.
If you're the player that landed here, choose 2 numbers on the Lottery track to bet on. Place your lottery token and the golden lottery token next to them.
All other players now place their lottery token next to a different number, starting with the player to your left.
Spin the spinner.
The person who chose the number the spinner stopped on collects the jackpot from the bank.
If nobody owns the number that came up, keep spinning until somebody wins.
Have a Baby

Spin the spinner.
Where did the babyometer stop?
Take the number of pegs the arrow is pointing to and put them in your car. If you're out of room in your car, put them in Daycare, in the space that matches your car color.
Note: If the arrow points to 0, bad luck. No baby for you this turn!
Swap Careers!

Swap career cards with the player of HPIslk. your choice.
You get their career and the salary to go with it! Take their promotion tokens too. Keep this salary for the rest of the game (unless someone swaps with you again).
Lose your House

Your house is repossessed! Give your house card and token to the banker and leave the land token where it is.
Red Stop Spaces
STOP! even if you have moves left. Follow the instructions on that space. Spin again. Move and follow the instructions for the space you land on.

Spin to pass your diploma and choose a College Career.
Stop, even if you have moves left, then spin again. Multiply your spin by 10. This is the percentage you scored in your exam:
40-100%: Congratulations-you passed! Take 3 facedown College Career cards, pick the one you want and put the rest back. Now spin again to move.
10-30%: Sorry, you failed! On your next turn, you can either take your exams again or pay $50K for your honorary diploma.
Get Married

Stop! Spin the spinner.
Spin black: Your family pays for the wedding.
Spin red: you foot the bill. Pay the bank $50K.
Put another people peg (your new husband or wife) in the car next to you, then spin again to move on.
Buy a House

Stop! Take 3 facedown house cards from the house card pile.
Pick the one you want to keep and return the others.
Pay the Bank the amount on the card. Take out a loan if you're short of cash.
Slide that card's house token into your house stand and place it on the land token space of your choice, right on top of the land token. You can build an ice hotel in the desert if you like!
Spin and move again!
Choose your Path!

Stop! Will you take the safe route or risk it all on the extreme path?
Make your choice and spin again. Move that number of spaces down your chosen path and follow the instructions for the space you land on.
Green Spaces
Do what these spaces tell you when you land on or pass over them.
Pay Day

Collect the salary shown on your career card. If you have been promoted, collect the salary for your promotion level.
Pay Day and Promotion

Congratulations. Take a promotion token from the bank, then collect your new salary (pay raise 1 if you have 1 promotion token, pay raise 2 if you have 2, etc).. Collect your new salary on all Pay Day spaces from now on.

Pay $50K for every child you have in Daycare. (Put children into Daycare when you have more kids than you can fit in your car!).
Special Spaces
Pause - Try for a Baby

Play the baby game to try for more babies!
Stop here if you want to, even if you have moves left.
Spin the spinner.
Where did the babyometer stop? Take the number of pegs the arrow is pointing to and put them in your car. If you're out of room in your car, put them in Daycare, in the space that matches your car color.
If you spun 0, bad luck! You can try again next turn or move on. It's up to you.
Buy a House

Stop here if you want to, even if you have moves left.
If you already have a house you must sell it. There are two sale prices on your card. Spin the spinner.
- Spin black: sell for the boom price.
- Spin red: sell for the recession price.
Now buy a new house and end your turn (see Buy a House above).

A trip to the hospital could be quick and painless... or it could cost you an arm and a leg!
If you land here, you are in the hospital.
Spin the spinner.
Spin black: Pay nothing! You're discharged! Move to the space at the end of the 'Discharged' arrow and end your turn.
Spin red: Pay $50K and spin again. Repeat (spinning and paying) until you spin black, then follow the arrow and end your turn.
The Cards
Story Cards

There are two amazing stories on every card, one red and one black. When the player to your right lands on a blank space, it's up to you to read their story.
Look at the inner ring on the spinner to see whether it stopped on black or red on their last spin and read the matching story out loud.
Extreme Story Cards

There's just one extreme story on an Extreme Story card. When the player to your right lands on a blank space on the extreme track, read them the story.
Tell them who it really happened to and what country they came from, too.

House Cards
Your house card shows which house you own. Take the house token, too and put it on the land you decide to build on (only one house per piece of land!).

Pick one of these before your first turn if you put your car on Career Start.
College Careers

Pick one of these when you pass your diploma.
The only other way to get one is to land on Job Swap and steal one from a player with a college career.
End of the Game

The first player to reach the end of the path parks their car on the first space on the winners' podium, on top of the LIFE tokens.
As soon as the second player reaches the end of the track and parks their car on the second position
space, all other players jump to the end of the path (the closest to the end of the track takes 3rd place, the next one 4th etc)..
Now all players follow these steps to work out the total value of everything they have:
Take the LIFE tokens from the podium space you're on (if there are any) and put them faceup in front of you.
If you have kids, take $50K per child from the bank. Don't forget the ones you left in Daycare!
If you own a house, sell it back to the bank. Spin to see what it's worth and take that amount from the bank. Take the land token from the land your house was built on and put it faceup in front of you.
Flip over any remaining LIFE and Extreme LIFE tokens you have and add up their value. Add these to your land token to make a token total. Now pay off your debts. Spin to see what you owe against each loan and pay the bank what you owe.
Add the cash you have left to your token total.
The richest player is the winner!
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