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Explorer: A type of Invader. Does 1 Damage, has 1 Health.

Town: A type of Invader. Does 2 Damage, has 2 Health. 1 Fear when destroyed.

City: A type of Invader. Does 3 Damage, has 3 Health. 2 Fear when destroyed.

Dahan: A clan/village of local islanders. Does 2 Damage, has 2 Health.

Blight: Environmental/spiritual harm to the Island.

Fear: Fright done to Invaders. Advances Fear Markers, earning Fear Cards.

Presence: A Spirit s Presence disk where they live in the land.

Sacred Site: A land where a Spirit has 2 or more Presence.

Fast Power: Resolve its effects before the Invader Phase.

Slow Power: Resolve its effects after the Invader Phase.


ANY Target is any one land.

Target is a land touching an Ocean.

Target is a land not touching an Ocean.

Target is a land with Invaders.

Target is a land without Invaders.

Target is a Mountain or Wetland.

Target is any Spirit.

Target is a Spirit other than yourself.

Target is a land with Dahan.

Target is a land with Blight.

Target is a land without Blight.


A land with your Presence.

Range 1 from a Mountain with your Presence.

Range 2 from a land with your Sacred Site.

Increases Range by 3 lands.

Presence Track

Energy: Each Spirit Phase, gain Energy equal to the highest uncovered number.

Card Plays: Each Spirit Phase, play no more than the highest uncovered number.

Reclaim One: Each Spirit Phase, you may return one Power Card from discard to hand.

Bonus Element: Gained so long as it is uncovered.

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