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Rating: 6.4 Fair
Players: 1-5 players
Playing time: 30-90 minutes

Official Site: Snowdonia official page

Created by: Tony Boydell, Tony Boydell, Klemens Franz, Charlie Paull

Published by: Asmodee, Indie Boards & Cards, Lookout Games

Alternate Names: Mountain Railways


The peaks of Snowdonia rise before you, encased in mist, their summits barely visible. The highest is Snowdon (Wyddfa) herself at 1,085 metres.

The year is 1894, and the Snowdon Mountain Tramroad and Hotels Company Limited has been formed to build a branch line from Llanberis to the summit. You can scarcely believe it's possible!

In Snowdonia players represent work gangs providing labour for the construction of the Snowdon Mountain Railway. Unlike other train games you will have to excavate your way up a mountain side, as well as make and lay the track, construct viaducts and stations. All this in competition with the weather of the Welsh mountains (and the game itself)!

You may be assisted by a train (though that's not always best) and you'll be able to collect essential materials from the Stock Yard. You will obtain special work contracts that give you bonuses.

Can you contribute more than the other players to the magnificence of the Snowdon Mountain Railway?

Retail Price:$39
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The peaks of Snowdonia rise before you encased in mist, their summits barely visible. The highest is Snowdon (Wyddfa) herself at 1,085 metres. The year is 1894, and the Snowdon Mountain Tramroad and Hotels Company Limited has been formed to build a branch line from Llanberis to the summit. You can scarcely believe it's possible!

In Snowdonia, players represent companies providing labour for the construction of the Snowdon Mountain Railway. Unlike other train games you will have to excavate your way up the mountain-side, as well as make and lay track, construct viaducts and stations. …

Trains cannot be bought by any player until the "Trains may now be bought" event has occurred. Once this event has occurred the Build action may be used to buy a Train.

If a player decides not to pay the upkeep for a Train (see Resolving Events), return the Train card to the Engine Shed.

A player may not own more than one Train. A player can return a Train card to the Engine Shed during a Build action when buying a different Train. Put more Coal from the Supply Bag (if available) on the returned Train card, as indicated on the card. …

When Event cubes are drawn from the Supply Bag, put them on the Events Track, one cube per space, starting immediately after the last occupied space; as you place each Event cube, resolve the Event immediately before placing any more Event cubes.

The Events are described below. Resolve each Event before moving on to the next one. If the Events in 4, 7 or 10 occur, put 3 Event cubes back in the bag as described below.

Events happen regardless of the weather.

Excavate a number of rubble spaces immediately

Remove all Rubble cubes from a number of Track cards/Building spaces, starting with the card closest to the start of the route, where the number is equal to the current Excavation Work Rate. …

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