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Rating: 7 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-8 players
Playing time: 45-60 minutes

Created by: Pitt Crandlemire, Aaron Weissblum, John Vetter

Published by: R&R Games

Alternate Names: Smarty Party


Party/trivia game centered around the idea of players collectively naming items on a list (e.g. "10 US states with most shoreline").

As players, in turn, miss an item, they acquire penalty points (forward movement on the game board). When a player reaches the end of the track, the person who advanced the least is the winner.

Combines Trivial Pursuit and Outburst (though there's no real-time screaming).

Expanded by:

  • Smarty Party! Expansion Set
  • Smarty Party! Gamers' Expansion
  • Smarty Party! Expansion Set Junior
  • Smarty Party! Expansion Set 2
Retail Price:$36
Smarty Party! Expansion Set
Smarty Party! Expansion Set 2
Smarty Party! Expansion Set Junior
Smarty Party! Gamers' Expansion

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