Top quality exact replica watches with free shipping worldwide and world class customer service.

Rating: 5.9 Fair
Players: 6-24 players
Playing time: 20-12 minutes

Created by: John Kovalic, Hal Mangold

Published by: (Self-Published), The Game Chef


Rollick! is a hit party game that's a fast and furious team competition.

With ROLLICK!, the entire team collaborates together to act out clues for one or more players to guess. It's a hysterical, fun, fast-paced, team competition game that's an absolute riot at parties, family gatherings, work events, holiday celebrations, with friends, and even loved by teenagers!

With over 750 clues, including words for younger children, suggestions for large and small groups, and other fun variations, no game is ever the same!

For hours of hysterical fun - the choice is ROLLICK!

Retail Price:$0

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