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Rating: 6.9 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 4-12 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: Gabriel Ecoutin, Olivier Fagnère

Published by: Asmodee, Brain Games, Cocktail Games

Alternate Names: Palce w Pralce, Ritmo y Bola, Rock and Balls, Rock the Beat Deluxe, Rythm & Boulet


Players in Rock the Beat do just that, creating a steady beat by slapping their thighs and clapping their hands to the rhythm of the Queen song "We Will Rock You".

At the start of the game, each player receives a card showing a symbol that the player can create with her hands: deer antlers, thumb's up, thumbing your nose, etc.

Once the beat is established, the start player replaces the clap with her own symbol, then the symbol of another player, e.g., slap, slap...

Retail Price:$15
Juego del Año Finalist 2010

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