1. Basilica

The Basilica comprises 2 rows, A and B, with 5 building spots in each.
![]() Basilica quarter |
Master Builder Rewards
Take 1 torch token and 1 Roman of your color from the reserve and place them in your play area. This reward is triggered each time the total number of your bricks reaches a new multiple of 3 in the Basilica.

Example: Michael first placed a building element with 2 blue bricks in row A, which did not trigger a master builder reward.
But in a later turn, he placed a building element with 2 red bricks in row B, thus triggering the master-builder reward for his 3rd brick, as he now has a total of 4 bricks in the Basilica.
Thus, he takes 1 torch token and 1 Roman in his color from the reserve.
Majority Scoring
Row A and B in the Basilica are scored separately. Whoever has placed the most bricks in a row receives 12 victory points, whoever has placed the second most bricks receives 6 victory points.
Ties go to the most valued building element.

Example: During the final scoring sequence, Courtney has one building element with 4 white bricks placed in row A and wins the majority over Michael, who has 2 building elements there, one with 2 yellow bricks and one with 2 blue bricks.
In row B though, Michael wins as he is the only player who has built a building element there. Courtney scores 12 victory points in total and Michael scores 18 points in total.
2. Amphitheatre

The Amphitheatre comprises 3 rows, A, B and C, with 5 building spots each.
![]() Amphitheatre quarter |
Master Builder Rewards
Take 5 sesterces and 1 Roman of your color from the reserve and place them in your play area. This reward is triggered each time the total number of your bricks reaches a new multiple of 3 in the Amphitheatre.

Building cards special rule: You can never receive a building card of the Amphitheatre by placing a building element in row C of the Amphitheatre.
Majority Scoring
Every row (A, B and C) of the Amphitheatre is scored individually. Whoever has placed the most bricks in a row receives victory points according to the following table.
Ties go to the most valued building element/

Example: Thomas has built a building element with 3 yellow bricks in row A of the Amphitheatre and Nicole one with 3 red bricks.
Thomas wins this majority, as his yellow bricks are worth 4 sesterces each and Nicole's are only worth 3 sesterces each. Thus, he scores 15 victory points and Nicole only 7.
3. City Wall

The City Wall comprises a single row with 10 building spots.
![]() City Wall quarter |
Master Builder Rewards
Take 1 brick from the reserve and place it in your personal supply of white bricks.
This reward is triggered each time the total number of your bricks reaches a new multiple of 3 in the City Wall.

Majority Scoring
Whoever has placed the most bricks in the City Wall building spots receives 20 victory points. Whoever has placed the second most bricks receives 10 victory points.
Ties go to the most valued building element.

4. Porta Nigra

The Porta Nigra has 9 building spots.
![]() Quarter of the Porta Nigra |
Special Building Spot Requirements
Each building spot in the Porta Nigra only shows a single brick icon to indicate the color of the building element required. The number of bricks you use to assemble this building element is up to you, but it must be at least 3 bricks and at most 8 bricks of that color.
Victory Points for Building Elements
The victory points scored for placing a building element in a Porta Nigra building spot depend on the color and the number of the bricks you used. For each brick of your building element you score points as follows:

Note: If you use a white brick as a substitute for a brick of another color, it counts as a brick of that other color when scored.
Master Builder Rewards
Take 1 influence token and 2 Romans of your color from the reserve and place them in your play area. This reward is triggered each time the total number of your bricks reaches a new multiple of 3 in the Porta Nigra.

Majority Scoring
The height of the building elements in the Porta Nigra may vary from 3 to 8 bricks. When awarding points for majorities, each level is scored individually, starting with level 3 and going up to level 8 (if applicable).
At each level, the involved players count their building elements of that height. Whoever has more building elements of that height takes first place. Ties go to the higher valued bricks.
If a tie cannot be broken, all tied players receive the victory points of the subsequent place. (In a tie for first place, all tied players receive the points of second place. In a tie for second place, the tied players receive no points).
At each level, the victory points for first and second place are as follows:

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