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Rating: 5.6 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 60 minutes

Created by: Thomas Bisgaard

Published by: danspil


Partners has similarities to the Pachisi / Sorry! family of games, but with a few noticeable twists.

The object of the game is to move own men from home to the target area as fast as possible. They are moved in a clockwise direction along the course according to the value of the cards.

The winning player or team is the one who has first placed all its 8 men in the target area.

The first twist is that play is based on a hand of four cards held by each player. Card values range from 1-14, with a number of special actions represented.

The second twist is that it is a partnership game, with the players winning or losing as a team, which adds a significant level of strategy and tactics to the game.

Partners trade one card at the beginning of each round, and once one player from a partnership has completed his or her group, his or her plays now assist his or her partner.

Shares many similarities with Dog, and can be described as a simplified version of Dog.

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