- 36 Dice
- 1 Travel Bag
- Rulebook
Game Play
The game is played in 3 rounds.
To start a round, take 12 dice from the bag (6 white and 6 orange) and roll them.
At the same time, all players search for a symbol appearing on at least one orange and one white die.
If you spot a match, be the first to call it out to collect all the dice showing that symbol. Roll the remaining dice.
Example: "RABBIT!" Collect the 3 rabbit dice.
If there are no matches, be the first to shout "Nada!" and put your hand (palm down) above the dice to collect all the remaining dice.
Example: "NADA!" Collect all 5 dice.
Once all the dice have been collected, start a new round with 12 new dice.
After 3 rounds, the player with the most dice wins!
Penalty: If you make a wrong call, roll the dice again and sit out until the start of the next round.
Ties: Can't decide who made the first call? Roll the dice again.
Note: When all the remaining dice are the same color, discard them.

Variation 1: Secret Throw
Depending on the number of players, draw the following number of dice from the bag. These dice form your personal dice bank.
- 2 players: 16 dice each
- 3 players: 12 dice each
- 4 players: 8 dice each
Game Play
At the start of each round, roll the following number of dice:
- 2 players: 4 dice
- 3 players: 3 dice
- 4 players: 2 dice
Secretly choose the color(s) of the dice you are going to roll. It can be any combination of colors.
Example: In a 2 player game, one player might roll 4 white dice while the other player might roll 1 orange and 3 white dice.
Everyone rolls their chosen dice at the same time.
Begin searching for symbols appearing on at least one orange and one white die.
Be the first to call a match or shout "Nada!" to collect all the dice in play. Add them to your personal dice bank.
Start a new round. Everyone takes the given number of dice from their bank and rolls them. Continue playing as described above until one player runs out of dice. The player with the most dice wins.
Penalty: If you make a wrong call, roll the dice again and sit out until the start of the next round.
Ties: Can't decide who made the first call? Roll the dice again.
Note: If all the rolled dice have the same color, it's a no-brainer: be the first to shout "Nada!"

Variation 2: All In
Game Play
Take all 36 dice and separate the orange and white. A second player then rolls all the orange dice next to the white dice.
On each round and at the same time, all players search for a matching symbol appearing on at least one orange and one white die.
If you are the first to call out and point to a match, collect all the dice showing that symbol. Then roll all the remaining dice of one color (your choice).
Continue playing this way, rolling the dice and searching for matches.
If there are no matches, be the first to shout "Nada!" and put your hand flat above the dice to collect all the remaining dice of one color (your choice).
The game is over when only one color of dice remains in the roll pile. Count up your dice. The player with the most dice wins!
Penalty: If you make a wrong call, roll the same dice again and sit out until the start of the next round.
Ties: Can't decide who made the first call? Roll the dice again.
Multiple Games Option
Earn the best score after a few games. Each die collected at the end of each game counts as 1 point.
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