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Rating: 7.1 Good
Players: 1-10 players
Playing time: 120 minutes

Official Site: Kickstarter Edition of Mythos Tales

Created by: Hal Eccles, Will Kenyon, Jason Maxwell, Tim Uren, Miguel Coimbra, George Patsouras, Edu Torres

Published by: 8th Summit


Welcome to the world of H.P. Lovecraft's Arkham, Massachusetts set during the 1920s and 30s.

Evil lurks in the heart and history of Arkham's brooding streets, preying upon the weak and bold alike - those who cannot resist the dark call and seek out forbidden knowledge.

Professor Henry Armitage, Director of the Orne Library at Miskatonic University, has asked for your help to investigate a broad range of diabolical mysteries.

Certainly there will be a reasonable explanation for all the horrors you are soon to witness. Your sanity may depend upon it. There may be a reasonable explanation why Arkham's Sanitarium remains crowded.

Armitage is your long-time friend and mentor, so he passes on a bitter warning before you start down this path. "Your nights are soon to be filled with shadows".

Your score will depend upon the number of clues points you needed to visit, the risks you took to your sanity in your investigations and your ability to find the correct answers to the questions.

Match wits with Armitage's final score the man who has been exposed to the sanity-blasting truth about the existence of the age old evil! Can you beat his score?

With that in mind it is time to collaborate with Armitage's investigations to complete your training. This is not a typical board game: No dice, no luck, but a challenge to your mental ability.

Planned cases to appear in print edition (order may change, titles may change):

  • Case 1 - A Grain of Evil
  • Case 2 - The King Cometh
  • Case 3 - The Serpent's Vengeance
  • Case 4 - The Slumbering Solace
  • Case 5 - The Vanished Girl
  • Case 6 - The Liber Mortis
  • Case 7 - The Faceless Expedition
  • Case 8 - A Stalker in the Shadows

Two additional cases are in the works, and they may either appear in the printed box set or as promotional cases. We are keeping them secret for now, so stay tuned and be sure to play the print and play version of Cases 1 & 2.

Mythos Tales is a game for one to eight investigators playable in one to two hours.

Retail Price:$39

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