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The silver circle shows the possible movement of the character.

There are eight different characters. When a character is used, it must move and/or use its Special ability. The symbols on the card show what the character's special ability is and when it must (or can) be used.

The golden circle shows the ability of the character.

The shape of the area shows when the ability is to be used:

the ability MUST be used before or after a movement

the ability CAN be used instead of a movement

the ability MUST be used at the end of a movement

the ability CAN be used during a movement

Sherlock Holmes

Movement: 1 to 3 hexes then ability use.

The best private detective in the world is naturally on the scene in order to solve its most famous mystery.

Special ability (mandatory): AFTER MOVEMENT, Sherlock Holmes draws the top card from the alibi pile, notes the character shown without telling the Detective, and places it face down in front of him.

John H. Watson

Movement: 1 To 3 Hexes Then Ability Use.

Doctor Watson is the faithful sidekick and chronicler of Sherlock Holmes Special ability (mandatory): Watson carries a lantern, pictured on his character token.

This lantern illuminates all the characters standing straight ahead of him!!

(It is important to note that Watson himself is not illuminated by the lantern!!)

Any player moving Watson, one way or another, chooses the final facing of the character, and therefore the line illuminated by the lantern..

John Smith

Movement: 1 To 3 Hexes And Ability Use.

This city lamplighter is in charge of the gaslights that keep on shutting off.

Special ability (mandatory): Move one of the lit gaslight tiles onto one of the shut-off gaslight hexes.

This ability can be used before or after the movement, as the player sees fit.

Inspector Lestrade

Movement: 1 To 3 Hexes And Ability Use.

This very good sleuth from Scotland Yard was sent to put an end to Jack's crimes.

Special ability (mandatory): Move one police cordon. This will free one of the exits but block another!! This ability can be used before or after the movement, as the player sees fit.

Miss Stealthy

Movement: 1 To 4 Hexes With Optional Ability Use.

Women are frequently abused in this district and Miss Stealthy is one of the very first fighting to improve the lot of her kind.

Special ability (optional): During her movement, Miss Stealthy can cross any hex (building, gaslight, garden) but she must stop her movement on a street hex.

Sergeant Goodley

Movement: 1 To 3 Hexes And Ability Use (whistle).

He has a noisy whistle that he uses to direct other investigators.

Special ability (mandatory): Sergeant Goodley calls for help with his whistle!! You then get 3 movement points to use as you see fit between one or more characters in order to bring them closer to Sergeant Goodley!!

This ability can be used before or after the movement, as the player sees fit.

Sir William Gull

Movement: 1 To 3 Hexes Or Ability Use.

The Queen's physician was sent by Her Majesty to lend a hand to the police.

Special ability (optional): Instead of moving William Gull normally, you can exchange this character's location with the location of any other character.

Jeremy Bert

Movement: 1 To 3 Hexes And Ability Use.

Reporter for the STAR, he invented the name «Jack».

Special ability (Mandatory): Journalists like to search where it stinks...

Jeremy Bert opens a manhole and closes another (move one covered manhole tile onto any other open manhole hex).

This ability can be used before or after the movement, as the player sees fit.

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