Rival cost: 0 thaler, number: 1
The player announces his desire to take the throne. He is the challenger in the up-coming Emperor election.
When a player takes the »rival« action card, phase IV is over for him; he may take no more action cards in this round. The current Emperor may not take the »Rival« action card.
Doctor cost: 1 thaler, number: 4 players: 3 - 3 players: 2 - 2 players: 1.
The player reduces the life stage of one of his aristocrats (turns it 90° in counter-clockwise direction) or increases the life stage of one of his opponents aristocrats (turns it 90° in clockwise direction).
When an aristocrat is turned from 45 to 15, it is returned to the supply of its owner.
Move cost: 1 thaler number: 2.
A Baron or a Couple moves their seat to a different electorate. The player must move one of his aristocrats (not an elector or the Emperor) to the aristocrat space of his choice in a different electorate.
If there is no empty space in the chosen electorate, the player may push away a knight (his or his opponent's - see above).
The Pope cost: 1 thaler number: 1
The player has one more vote in the Emperor election. This vote is not associated with an electorate.
Church influence cost: 2 thalers, number: 1.
All aristocrats and knights in the color of the elector give the owner of the elector an additional vote. This action can only be taken in a spiritual electorate (Archdiocese).
The owner of the card decides which Archdiocese the card effects before the Emperor election.
Excommunication cost: 1 thaler, number: 1.
A secular electorate is excluded from the Emperor election. The owner of the card decides before the election which electorate is to be excluded.
If both church influence and excommunication are played, the players must choose different electorates, and they choose them in clockwise order from the player who is now Emperor.
Indulgence cost: 2 thaters, number: 1.
The player takes 1 victory point.
Permit cost: 3 - 5 thalers, number: 4 players: 4 - 3 players: 3 - 2 players: 2.
The player places either a Baron for 3 thalers or a Couple for 5 thalers with life stage 15 from his supply on any empty aristocrat space in the electorate of his choice.
If there are no empty aristocrat spaces in the chosen electorate, he can push away a knight (his or an opponent's) from an aristocrat space to make space for his aristocrat. He cannot push a knight from a castle space.
Ordinance cost: 4 thalers ,number: 4 players: 3 - 3 players: 2 - 2 players: 1.
The player places one of his cities on any empty city space. When a player places his first or second city, he takes 1 victory point. When he places his third city, he takes 2 victory points.
Promotion cost: 2 thalers, number: 1.
The player replaces one of his knights, that stands on an aristocrat space, with one of the Barons from his supply with life stage 15.
Foreign king's daughter cost: 2 thalers, number: 1.
The player turns one of his Barons to the »Couple« side. The life stage remains the same.
Knight cost: 1 thaler, number: 1.
The player places one knight from his supply on any empty aristocrat or castle space.
Or he moves one of his knights from an aristocrat or castle space to another empty aristocrat or castle space. A knight can push away neither a Baron, a Couple, or another knight from a space.
The player does not take the action card »knight« when he uses it, but leaves it. It serves to remind players of the opportunity to use the card to place or move a knight on their turns.
Gray eminence cost: 0 thaler, number: 1
This action card may only be taken by the elector of the electorate of Brandenburg. The card remains face up in the player's play area.
At the beginning of phase V (New electors), this player can place a Baron from his supply with life stage 45 to the left of the privilege space in the electorate of his choice.
This Baron gives the player an additional power point in that electorate. In phase II (Aging) of the next round, this Baron is removed with all the other 45 year-old aristocrats. This Baron can become either an elector or the Emperor.
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