Red Lines
If your penguin is close to a wall (and doors are part of the wall) or stuck in a door, before your flick, you may place it on the closest free point on the red line (so the center of the penguin is on the line).

Red Line is Covered! Sometimes the red line is covered with artwork.
In such cases, the line is considered to be present under the artwork.
Getting Stuck In The Door

First, why are you getting stuck in doors? You probably shouldn't have skipped all those gym lessons...
In order to get your fish token, you have to go completely through a door with your fish token on it in one move. Even if a small part of your penguin remains in the door frame (looking directly from the top) it hasn't gone through and it's "stuck".
The Penguin has to be flicked completely through in a following turn from a red line (see below).
Important: It can happen that your penguin goes completely through a door and then rotates back and becomes stuck in the same door. In this case going through the door counts and you get your fish token and the card.
In Case Of Being Stuck In A Door:
Before your flick, if looking directly from C the top of the door you can see a small part of your penguin on either side of the door, you can place it on either room's red line.
Before your flick, if looking directly from the top of the door you can see the penguin on only one side of the door, you can place it only in the room where the part of the penguin is visible.
Note: Once stuck in the door, to get the fish you will have to move your penguin to the red line and go completely through the door in one turn. This means you cannot just flick your penguin through the rest of the door.
Events outside a player's turn

If another player during their turn pushes your penguin either completely through a door with your fish token on it or into the Catcher, you resolve all these effects as well.
This means you would take off your fish token and get a card for being pushed through the door or lose your ID card for being pushed into the Catcher. Your penguin remains in the new spot after being pushed.
Jumping out of the game

If your penguin jumps out of the game (meaning all 5 boxes) it is put back into the box at the exact point where it started and your turn immediately ends (but you may still use two 1's to "Ice Skate").
If your penguin is somehow forced out of the game during another player's turn, the penguin is put back in the box at the exact same point where it started.
There is no penalty for this.
Accidentally moving another player's penguin
If at any point you touch and move another player's penguin with your hand, put that penguin back in its previous spot.
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