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Rating: 6.9 Good
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 60-90 minutes

Created by: Wolfgang Kramer, Michael Menzel

Published by: 999 Games, Hans im Glück Verlags-GmbH, Rio Grande Games

Alternate Names: Hazienda


Hacienda is a strategic family board game and a type of area control game where players must aim to have the biggest and best hacienda in Argentina at the beginning of 19th century.

To win the game, the players must acquire land and animals, open new markets, build haciendas and worry about water supplies and harvests to gain the most points.

You have a hand of cards and you play these cards to place tiles on the board.

Use your land cards to get more land tiles but always try to keep your land tiles together. The more spaces you control, the better your chances of winning.

Place your animal tiles leading towards the markets on the board to collect money when you sell them at the market. Watering the land and animals and placing haciendas on the longer chains of tiles will lead towards a victory.

Hacienda offers you two game boards, each requiring a different strategy to win.

Retail Price:$45
Games Magazine Best New Family Strategy Game Winner 2007
International Gamers Awards - General Strategy; Multi-player Nominee 2006
Golden Geek Best Gamer's Board Game Nominee 2006

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