Many scientists believe that animals first took to the sky approximately 350 million years ago. This event marked a monumental transformation in Earth's biological ecosystem. The addition of wings enabled animals to seek out food from the air and easily relocate when food became scarce.
Flying also helped creatures to effectively evade predators. However, due to the enormous amount of energy that wings required, avian creatures had to eat more food for their body size than any other species on the planet.

- 12 Avian Species Boards
- 12 Flight Trait Cards
- 34 Trait Cards
- 14 Event Cards
- The Cliff
- Instructions
Flight is an expansion to the Evolution game system that introduces avian species into the ecosystem.
Now your species can swoop down on unsuspecting prey from above, fly away from predators, or soar to a new location when food is scarce. Will the ability to fly propel you to new heights?
Or will it bring about your downfall?
Object of the Game
The goal remains the same: propagate your species and eat lots of food!
Set up the base game as normal with the following additional steps:
Place the Avian Species Boards and the 12 Flight Trait Cards next to the Land Species Boards.
Shuffle the new Trait Cards and the new Event Cards into the base deck.
Remove 40 cards from the deck and place them off to the side. These cards will be used at the end of the game instead of shuffling the discard pile.
Place the Cliff next to the Watering Hole.
New Components
Avian Species Boards
There are three differences between Avian species and Land species.

Avian species have a maximum Body Size of 3 instead of 6.
Avian species have an upkeep cost of food equal to their Body Size. The upkeep cost simulates the amount of food needed to maintain wings. It must be paid before an Avian species can feed their Population.
The upkeep food is placed on the spaces directly below the Body Size marker and does not get scored at the end of the Feeding phase.Players must discard 2 cards to create an Avian species (instead of 1 card).
The Flight Trait

The Flight trait always accompanies an Avian Species Board, but behaves like a regular trait in every other respect:
It counts as 1 of the 3 traits a species can have.
It can be negated by Intelligence.
It counts as 1 point at the end of the game.
It can be swapped out for another trait. When a player swaps out Flight for another trait, they also exchange the Avian Species Board for a Land Species Board while maintaining the Population and Body Size.
It is not possible for a Land species to turn into an Avian species.
Event Cards

Evolution: Flight introduces a new type of card called an Event Card. There are two Event Cards in this expansion: Dive-Bomb and Seed Dispersal. These cards do not get played as traits.
Instead, a player discards the card from their hand and places it directly into the discard pile. Each Event Card has a specific time that it can be played and it has an immediate effect. Both of these Event Cards are played during the Play Cards phase after the traits have been revealed.
The Cliff
The Cliff is a source of food similar to the Watering Hole, but it is only available to Avian species. Each turn when the Food Cards are revealed, place Plant Food on the Cliff equal to the number of players.

Game Play
All of the base game rules apply with the following changes:
Phase 3: Play Cards
A player now has the option to discard 2 cards to create an Avian species. That player takes a new Avian Species Board, puts Wooden Markers at Population "1" and Body Size "1", and places a Flight Trait Card above the Avian Species Board.

Phase 4: Feeding
1. Reveal the Food Cards
When you place food on the Watering Hole, place additional food on the Cliff equal to the number of players.
2. Feeding Species
An Avian species may take food from the Watering Hole or the Cliff, but not both at the same time (for instance, with Cooperation or Foraging). Cooperation is triggered as normal when an Avian species takes food from the Cliff even if the species that receives the second food is a Land species.
An Avian species must take food equal to its Body Size before it can feed its Population. This food is placed on the bottom of the Avian Species Board below the Body Size marker. This upkeep food does not get placed in the Food Bag at the end of the round, so it will not count towards the final score.
The upkeep food is placed here

3. End of Feeding
Each player returns their Avian upkeep food to the Food Bank before placing the food above their Population track into their Food Bag.
Timing Issues
There are some cards (like Good Eyesight and Fertile) that might trigger at the same time. When multiple cards trigger at the same time, they are resolved in turn order starting with the player who has the First Player Marker.
Each player can determine the order of their own triggered effects if they have more than one card to resolve.
Brood Parasite
Before the Food Cards are revealed, an Avian species with Brood Parasite gains 1 Population and takes 1 Plant Food or Meat Food from the Food Bank if the player has any other Avian species.
This effect triggers Cooperation, Nesting, and Foraging.
Brood Parasite has no effect if the card is played on a Land species, but the Brood Parasite Trait Card still counts as 1 point at the end of the game.
This Event Card is played during the Play Cards phase after the Trait Cards have been revealed. Dive-Bomb allows that player to feed one of their Avian species and draw a new card.
If the species is a Carnivore, it immediately attacks a legal target. This effect triggers Scavenger and Cooperation as normal.
If the Avian species is a Non-Carnivore, it immediately takes 2 Plant Food from the Watering Hole, the Cliff, or the Food Bank.
This effect triggers Cooperation and Foraging as normal. If the new card drawn is another Event Card, it can also be played at this time.
A species with Camouflage cannot be attacked unless the attacking Carnivore has the Good Eyesight trait.
Good Eyesight
A Non-Carnivore with Good Eyesight takes 2 food from the Watering Hole before the Food Cards are revealed.
If there is not enough food on the Watering Hole to feed all of the Non-Carnivore species with Good Eyesight, then resolve the Trait Cards in turn order starting with the current Start Player.
Good Eyesight triggers Cooperation and Foraging as normal. A Carnivore with Good Eyesight may attack a species with Camouflage.
A species with Flight must eat food equal to its Body Size before it can feed its Population. This food is placed on the upkeep food slots below the Body Size track.
Under no circumstance can Avian food be placed in the Food Bag before the appropriate upkeep food is paid. Avian species can take food from either the Watering Hole or the Cliff, but they cannot take food from both sources on the same feeding turn (for instance, with Cooperation or Foraging).
A species with Flight cannot be attacked unless the attacking Carnivore also has the Flight trait.
If a species with Flight is a Carnivore, the player may discard a card from their hand to the discard pile to negate Symbiosis, Warning Call, or Climbing for that species' next attack.
If a species with Nesting is a Land Species, it takes 1 Plant Food from the Watering Hole or the Food Bank for each Population it gains. This effect triggers Cooperation and Foraging for each Population increase.
If a species with Nesting is an Avian Species, it takes 2 Meat Food from the Food Bank for each Population it gains.
This effect triggers Cooperation but does not trigger Scavenger. An Avian species with Nesting might increase in Body Size after increasing in Population.
In this case, the appropriate amount of food should be moved from the food slots above the Population track to the upkeep food slots below the Body Size track.
Seed Dispersal
This Event Card is played during the Play Cards phase after the Trait Cards have been revealed.
Immediately place food on the Watering Hole equal to the total number of Avian species in play.
Once this is done, draw a card. If the new card drawn is another Event Card, it can also be played at this time.
End of the Game
Instead of shuffling the discard pile for the final round, use the 40 cards that were removed at the beginning of the game.
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