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Rating: 6.1 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Created by: Stefan Dorra, Manfred Reindl, Alexander Jung

Published by: Queen Games, Piatnik

Alternate Names: Enuk Der Eskimo, Enuk Eszki-Móka


The small Eskimo child Enuk is already completely excited. Today he may go with his large brothers on journey into the ice.

Finally he may see the wild polar bears on their way, watch the seals fishing and fish himself through the ice holes.

At most, however, he looks forward to building the igloo with the others. However, the day goes on much too fast...

The children have to build the igloo and to observe as many animals as possible at the same time. Who collects most animal tiles and builds the igloo successfully, will win!

Enuk is a mixture of memory and push-your-luck.

Players turn over animal tiles, until they want to quit or one of the animals is scared and flees: the herring flee from the salmon, salmon flees from the seal, the seal flees from the polar bear and the polar bear flees from the Eskimo. How many tiles dare you turn over?

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