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Dragon of Humility

You get 1 VP for each Shrine built on a stack of tiles that is adjacent to at least 1 higher stack of tiles (not counting diagonally).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: If a Shrine is built on a stack with more than one higher stack next to it, do I gain more points?

A: No, each Shrine can only be worth 1 additional VP for the purpose of this objective.

Q: Can a higher stack "trigger" more than 1 Shrine for the purpose of this objective?

A: Yes, each Shrine built on a stack with at least 1 higher stack next to it is worth 1 extra VP, it does not matter if the higher stack is "shared" with other Shrines.

Q: Even if the adjacent stack is higher than the stack on which the Shrine is built, the tip of its roof is even higher: does this Shrine count?

A: Yes, it's only the height of the stacks of tiles that matters.

Dragon of Righteousness

Choose a row and a column in your Realm. You get 1 VP for each Shrine in those lines. For each one of those lines that is completely filled with Shrines, you also get 2 extra VPs.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do the Shrines need to be all adjacent to each other to count for the purpose of this objective?

A: No, you simply count how many are on the same row/column.

Q: Can a Shrine be "shared" between the row and the column, and still count for both?

A: Yes, it doesn't matter if a Shrine is present in both the row and the column you chose. It counts for both.

Dragon of Tranquility

You get 1 VP for each separate group of adjacent face-down tiles (made of at least 1 tile) in your Realm.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Are two diagonally adjacent tiles part of the same group?

A: No, diagonal does not count.

Q: If they are adjacent but on different floors, do they still count as adjacent for the purpose of this objective?

A: Yes, they do.

Q: Can face-up tiles separate groups of face-down tiles?

A: Yes. You can even place a tile on top of other tiles to separate a single group into two.

Dragon Of Bravery

You get 1 VP for each stack of tiles in your Realm that is not adjacent to stacks with the same height or higher.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can there be a Shrine on a stack of tiles potentially valid for this objective?

A: Yes, as long as the stack of tiles is higher than all adjacent stacks.

Q: Does the Shrine count towards the height of a stack of tiles?

A: No, it doesn't. Only tiles count.

Dragon of Majesty

For each Faction (Soldiers, Merchants, and Farmers), choose 1 face-up tile placed on the third floor or higher. You get VPs equal to the sum of the numbers on those tiles.

Dragon of Power

For each Faction (Merchant, Soldiers, and Farmers), choose 1 group of adjacent face-up Faction tiles of that type in your Realm, and sum the numbers on those tiles.

Compare your totals with the totals for the players to your left and to your right. You get 2 VPs for each Faction for which you have a higher total than your neighbor, or 1 VP for each tied Faction.

For example, if you have a total of 10 value in Merchants, and the player to your left has a total of 9 in Merchants, you get 2 VPs. If the player to your right also has 10 value in Merchants, you would get 1 more VP, for a total of 3 VPs.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: If there are only 2 players, do I take points for a majority twice?

A: No, in that case you only check your values against the other player once.

Q: Do I need to sum all of the face-up tiles of each Faction and compare that value with the players to my left and right?

A: No, only 1 group of adjacent face-up tiles of your choice for each Faction counts.

Q: If I don't have any tile of a certain Faction, can I still compete for a tie with other players without tiles of that Faction?

A: No, you need to have at least 1 face-up tile of a Faction to compete for a majority.

Q: If I have a higher value than the player to my right, but I lose against the player to my left (or vice versa), do I still get points?

A: Yes, 2 points.

Dragon of Knowledge

You get 2 VPs for each different face-up Special tile in your Realm.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: If I have two face-up Special tiles of the same type (e.g. Winds), but different symbols (e.g. Rainy and Stormy), how many VPs are they worth?

A: 4 VPs, since they are 2 different symbols, even if the tiles are of the same type.

Q: What is the maximum amount of VPs I can gain with this objective?

A: There are 3 types of Special tiles, with 11 different symbols in total (4 Winds, 4 Seasons, 3 Dragons). So, you can gain up to 22 VPs.

Dragon of Harmony

You get 4 VPs for each direction that your tile layout is symmetrical on both sides of the thick black lines in the middle of your Realm, +2 VPs for each direction of symmetry of your Shrine layout.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is it important whether my tiles are face up or face down?

A: No, it's not. What matters is the position of the tiles in your Realm, regardless of whether they are face up or face down.

Q: What about the Shrines? Do they need to be at the same height to be symmetrical, or can they just be placed in a symmetrical pattern when seen from above?

A: They need to be at the same height.

Q: Can I build a symmetric structure on one side of my Realm?

A: No, when you consider symmetries, you need to look at the cross of thicker lines in the middle of your Realm.

Dragon of Devotion

You get 1 VP for each Shrine in your Realm with at least 1 adjacent face-up Dragon tile.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: If a Shrine has more than 1 Dragon tile next to it, do I gain more points?

A: No, each Shrine can only be worth 1 VP for the purpose of this objective.

Q: Can a Dragon tile "trigger" more than 1 Shrine for the purpose of this objective?

A: Yes, each Shrine with at least 1 Dragon tile next to it is worth 1 extra VP, it does not matter if the Dragon tile is "shared" with other Shrines.

Dragon of Fortitude

You get 1 VP for each Shrine placed on the edge of your Realm.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do the Shrines need to be built on a tile on the first floor, as shown on the card?

a: No, it just needs to be built on the edge of your Realm.

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