Main Objective Cards
Name: This is the name of the main objective.
Setup: How to set up the board for this scenario.
Goal: The task(s) that must be accomplished in order to complete the main objective.
Time: An estimate of how long this main objective will take to complete. Short=45-90 minutes. Medium=90-120 minutes. Long=120-210 minutes.
Secret Objective Cards

Name: This is the name of the secret objective.
Goal: The task(s) that you must accomplish in order to win the game.
Note: Cards in this Dead of Winter game are marked with a crossroads icon in the lower right corner to help distinguish them from cards included in possible expansions.
Survivor Cards

Name: This is the name of the survivor.
Occupation: The survivor's occupation before the zombie apocalypse (This has no game effect).
Influence Value: The survivor's place within the hierarchy of the colony.
Attack Value: The survivor's proficiency in a fight.
Search Value: The survivor's proficiency at finding items.
Ability Location: The location the survivor must be at to use their ability.
Ability: A unique effect the survivor has on the game.

Item Cards
Name: This is the name of the item.
Symbol Type: There are 7 different types of item cards.
Ability: A unique effect the card has when played.
Location: This determines what deck this item card starts in at the beginning of the game.
Player Reference Cards

Round Summary: This reminds players of the order in which things happen each round.
Player Turn Actions: This reminds a player what actions are available to him on his turn.
Group Leader: The player's group leader is placed face-up in this area.
Secret Objective: The player's secret objective is placed face down in this area.
Followers: The player's remaining survivors are placed in this area.
Unused Action Dice Pool: After rolling action dice the results are placed here.
Used Action Dice Pool: When a player uses an action die it is placed here.

Crisis Cards
Name: This is the name of the crisis.
Prevent: This shows the type of items a player must contribute to the crisis to prevent its effect from happening.
Effect: The negative effect that happens if the crisis is not prevented.
Optional: Players may contribute these items to the crisis, in addition to the required items, to gain this specified effect.
Crossroads Cards

Name: This is the name of the crossroad.
Trigger: The italicized text is the trigger. It is the event that must happen for this card to take effect.
Options: The options given to choose from when the card triggers.
Important Note: Some crossroads cards have mature themes like sex, language, suicide, alcohol use, etc. These cards are marked with this symbol: .
Players may choose to remove these cards prior to the game.
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