The game idea is a combination of the board game with the deck of cards to add a new dimension to the board game to a and make the card game better for multiple payers.
Players should be familiar with both the card game and the board game before playing this.
- 1 complete card game (base game, without settlements, cities, roads, & spies, at more than 3 players additional homemade Hexes are required: Gold-2 for 4 players)
- At 3 and 4 players the expansion cards of another card game (excluding Scout)
- at 5 and 6 players more gold hexes and the expansion cards of a third card card game)
- 1 board game (excluding development cards; without largest army)
- Chips in 2 colors (preferably green and red)
The board game is set up as usual. The Region Cards (with or without crests) of the card game are divided so that each player gets every number of dice and each region type has exactly once.
These cards are placed face up in front of you so that 0 Resources are displayed. This is done in 3 rows with 2 cards together. The adjacent cards for Garrison, harbor, etc. regarded as belonging together.
Starting with the first player, each player takes a card game stack and chooses their three starting cards for their hand.
The event cards of the entire deck of cards are shuffled and placed ready. The dice from the board game are replaced by the income from the card game die. Two different number dice are used.
The foundation phase
Each player places settlements on the board as normal. Each player receives 2 green chips for each settlement placed. This indicates that the player has 4 sites for expansion cards.
Game Play
The player rolls three dice at the beggining of their turn. They roll: 1 die from the boardgame and the event die and production die from the card game.
Next, the event die is resolved.
Each player is given resources for the board as a result of the roll of the number dice just like normal. In addition, each player gets a resource for the number die from the card game applied to the region represented by the number on that die.
Rotate the region to show the collected resource.
The players take turns with the other players going counter clockwise as usual.
Additional rule: resources from the card game may only be transferred for resoure cards and resource cards may only be passed as such. However, it is allowed, for example, a resource card clay to be traded to the other player and they get a grain "turned" on the region of the card game. The ports (board game) and fleets (card game) are operated with appropriate board game or card game resources.
Rule of thumb: All commercial activities are permitted that do not cause a resource card be taken out of the bank, or to be put into the bank.
After the action phase comes the building phase of the turn. You may use resources from resource cards (board game) or from regions (card game) or both at the same time.
For example a city is paid for with 3 ore resource cards and "winding down" a grain region card from 3 to 1. A player can at this stage trade resources from region cards for resource cards and vice versa.
On the board, use the normal rules. For each settlement built, the player receives 2 green chips (2 new expansion sites). When a city is expanded from a settlement, the player receives 2 red chips. These chips are exchanged for expansions.
The chip represent how many, and what type, of expansions are available. If the palyer builds a building or unit or green area expansion they pay with a green chip on top of the resources listed on the card.
If they are out of green chips they MUST subistute a red chip for green. The same applies for red coloured city expansions except green chips may not subistute for red chips. No red chip, no city expansion card played.
The player may however tear down existing expansions to make room for new ones and while the resources used in building the expansion are lost, the chips are not. They are given to the player to use again.(example: city expansion - red chip).
Note: The chip indicator is important because they are the only way it can be determined what the nature of the open expansion slots are. City Expansion slots can also be used by field extensions.
These extensions are not assigned to specific slots so if you tear down a green expansion, you may only ever take a green chip not a red one, even if the settlement had since become a city.
Exception: If the player ONLY has cities and not a settlement, they may also take a red chip. If a player is missing a chip, (settlements x 2 + x 4 cities - player extensions), he may take only green chips to replace it (them) to the correct amount.
Action Cards
After the distribution of resources, at any time action cards are played (except of course defensive cards such as Bishop and herbalist). Exception of course is the alchemist who can only be played before the rolling of the dice.
The aim of cards affecting resources, or extensions, can be to play at least 3 victory points (current state).
Knight, Windmills And Robbers

The Knight and the Windmill token of the card game will be awarded as usual. Exception: The token always remains as in the game. It is only given to another player, who has MORE points. If there is a tie the token stays witht he original holder. The tokens are worth one victory point.
The robber of the board game only accesses the resource cards, ie only those who have more than 7 resource cards in their hand, must discard half of them (rounding down). After moving the Robber, only one resource card can be drawn. The resources from the card game regions are taboo.
Whoever builds a knight with at least 1 strength point can move the robber on the board and steal a card. The knight is then turned upside down, it is passive. This means that the tournament and strength points of the knight are still counted in full, but he does not scare away the robber. The player can activate the knight again, its construction paid for a with a grain and the Knights again is turned over rightside up.
End Of Turn
The player can't replace a card if they didn't play one and if their hand is at the maximum (3 without cards like abbey or library in play) The turn ends with the passing of the dice to the next player.
End of the Game
The game ends when a player has 18 victory points durring their turn. VPs of course include both the card game and the board game points.
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