Sentinel Wood
Earn one reputation star for each forest space adjacent to the edge of the map.
Druids planted these towering ranks to shield us from something in the wilds beyond.

Earn one reputation star for each forest space surrounded on all four sides by filled spaces or the edge of the map.
Beneath the canopy, far from bright blue skies, every trail led through tangled thorns and suspicious shadows.

Earn one reputation star for each row and column with at least one forest space. The same forest space may be scored in a row and a column.
I've mapped deserts. It's much easier to survey forests, and much more pleasant to take breaks in the shade.

Stoneside Forest
Earn three reputation stars for each mountain space connected to another mountain space by a cluster of forest spaces.
Mountains are clear landmarks, islands in a wide sea of trees, but a cartographer's job is to chart every track

Canal Lake
Earn one reputation star for each water space adjacent to at least one farm space. Earn one reputation star for each farm space adjacent to at least one water space.
Pathways laid with colorful stones topped the channels along each family's crops, a bit of beauty among their labors in the dirt.

The Golden Granary
Earn one reputation star for each water space adjacent to a ruins space Earn three reputation stars for each farm space on a ruins space.
The histories say that long ago this place fed an empire. Now nothing grows in the sands blowing among the ruins.

Mages Valley
Earn two reputation stars for each water space adjacent to a mountain space. Earn one reputation star for each farm space adjacent to a mountain space.
The wizards chose their high valley homes carefully, hidden from prying eyes but fertile enough for their strange harvest to thrive.

Shoreside Expanse
Earn three reputation stars for each cluster of farm spaces not adjacent to a water space or the edge of the map. Earn three reputation stars for each cluster of water spaces not adjacent to a farm space or the edge of the map.
A true cartographer knows how to use a theodolite on both rock and raft. You can't stop drawing the line just because the land ends.

Earn eight reputation stars for each cluster of six or more village spaces.
There had to be six in a cluster to earn a mark on my map, enough to justify the queen dispatching a justice ... or a tax collector.

Greengold Plains
Earn three reputation stars for each cluster of villages spaces that is adjacent to three or more different terrain types.
Long ago we were a land of wanderers. But when the people put down roots they did so wisely, near everything they needed.

Great City
Earn one reputation star for each village space in the largest cluster of village spaces that is not adjacent to a mountain space.
In this sprawling nest of intrigue where guilds pursue ancient vendettas, the queen will burn out their venom or rule over ashes.

Earn two reputation stars for each village space in the second largest cluster of village spaces.
Stake walls ran along paths between the villages, and the inhabitants rushed to defend one another when the wildclans returned.

Earn six reputation stars for each complete row or complete column of filled spaces.
Once far out beyond the edge of the map, now these lands are squarely on it. Someday our next expedition will begin here.

The Broken Road
Earn three reputation stars for each complete diagonal line of filled spaces that touches the left and bottom edges of the map.
What's more incredible: the centuries of labor that it took to build these paved paths or the precision that laid them so straight?

Lost Barony
Earn three reputation stars for each space along one edge of the largest square of filled spaces.
Lines on a map may not define the loyalty of these fiercely independent people...

The Cauldrons
Earn one reputation star for each empty space surrounded on all four sides by filled spaces or the edge of the map.
For generations they have lived in the surrounding lands, but none dare to explore the acrid openings in the ground.
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