This is an expansion for Can't Stop. You will need a copy of the base game to play.
- 72 tiles
- 1 white marker cone
- 1 Can't Stop: Rollin' Down the Highway Expansion Rules
These expansion rules are in addition to the normal Can't Stop rules. The expansion rules will create special situations that will alter the basic game play. See tile descriptions and effects below.
Place the game board in the center of the table and give each player 11 cones in their preferred color.
Shuffle the 72 expansion tiles face down and randomly place one tile face down in each square on the game board. Set the expansion white marker cone aside in a handy place to use when called for by a tile.
Begin play as normal.
Changes in Game Play
Once a player stops voluntarily, they must check the space for each white marker in whatever order they choose before they may place or move their player colored tokens, as per the normal game rules.
If the space has no tile, place or advance one of your own player colored tokens on that space as normal.
If the space has a tile, flip the tile face up and complete the action indicated by the tile. If the tile is already face up, complete the action indicated by the tile. See tile descriptions and effects below.
Tiles are only flipped if the current player has voluntarily stopped and there is a white marker on the space containing the tile.
Subsequent turns follow the normal rules for advancing the white markers from existing player colored tokens.
Special Situations
After resolving all effects, if a player has more than one white marker in a column, remove the least advanced white marker with no effect.
If a player ends their turn with more than one of their colored player markers in a column the least advanced marker is removed.
If a player is forced to stop because they were not able to place or move a white marker after rolling the dice, they lose all progress achieved for the turn and must remove the white markers without any effect, as per the normal rules.
Columns are won in the same manner as the normal rules.
Lateral Movement - see Lateral Movement Diagram below.
End of the Game
As soon as a player claims their third column, the game ends and that player is the winner as per the normal rules.
Tile Descriptions and Effects
red and blue shield with white numeral on white background.
24 Tiles (4 each of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Effect: When players end their turn with a white marker on this tile, they take the tile and keep it to use on a future turn. The tile allows a one-time use to change a die roll to the number on the tile at any time on their turn.
Variant: Players may only use 1 of these tiles per dice roll.
Traffic Hazard
black image on yellow background.
13 Tiles (6 types: 4 x Accident, 2 x Flat Tire, 2 x Out of Gas, 2 x Flooding, 2 x Traffic Light, & 1 x Road Work) Types are to provide additional flavor.
Effect: When players end their turn with a white marker on this tile, they must make one additional roll of four dice and again roll the column's number. If successful, remove the tile and place the player's colored token in this spot. If unsuccessful, the tile stays on the board and the player's colored token may not be placed or advanced in this column.
black detour text and arrow on orange background.
10 Tiles (5 x Right Arrow and 5 x Left Arrow)
Effect: When this tile is revealed it remains on the board for the rest of the game. When players end their turn with a white marker on this tile, their player colored token is shifted from this space one column left or right as indicated by the tile. Treat this new space as the voluntary ending space. If there is a tile, perform its action (revealing it if it is face down).
Fast Lane
black bordered white shield with black numeral on green background
7 Tiles (4 x +1 & 3 x +2)
Effect: When this tile is revealed it remains on the board for the rest of the game. When players end their turn with a white marker on this tile, their player colored token is moved ahead from this space by the number indicated. Treat this new space as the voluntary ending space. If there is a tile, perform its action (revealing it if it is face down).
Traffic Delay
red shield with white numeral on white background
7 Tiles (4 x -1 & 3 x -2)
Effect: When this tile is revealed it remains on the board for the rest of the game. When players end their turn with a white marker on this tile, their player colored token is moved back from this space by the number indicated. Treat this new space as the voluntary ending space. If there is a tile, perform its action (revealing it if it is face down).
black "Map" text with unfolded map icon
3 Tiles (3 x Map)
Effect: When players end their turn with a white marker on this tile, they take the tile as a reminder and discard it at the beginning of their next turn and may use the expansion white marker cone on that turn. The extra white cone allows you to move ahead on FOUR numbers on this turn.
blue with white numeral and arrows
5 Tiles (5 x +1 any direction)
Effect: When this tile is revealed it remains on the board for the rest of the game. When players end their turn with a white marker on this tile, they move their player marker one space in any direction (up or down the column; or, over to an adjacent column). Treat this new space as the voluntary ending space. If there is a tile, perform its action (revealing it if it is face down).
Variant: Discard this tile after it is used.
red circle with white "Lost 2" text and white bar (similar to a Do Not Enter Traffic Sign)
3 Tiles (3 x Lost)
Effect: When players end their turn with a white marker on this tile, they take the tile as a reminder and discard it at the beginning of their turn and may only use 2 white markers on that turn.
Special Movement Notes
You may win a column due to extra moves caused by tile effects from Detour, Roundabout or Fast Lane.
If the column is already won, and you reach the top due to a Detour or Roundabout move (for example from the top space of 5 to the winning position of 4), simply remove your piece from the column. There can be only one winner per column.
You may end up moving below the bottom of a column due to extra moves caused by tile effects from Detour, Roundabout or Traffic Delay. (Such as moving from the first space of the 7 column to the 6 column or moving down a column). In this case, the white marker is removed from the board and all progress is lost. See Lateral Movement Diagram below.
The board is considered to wrap-around. So the 2 column is to the right of the 12 column and the 12 column is to the left of the 2 column.
Lateral Movement Diagram
When you must move from one column to another consult the chart below for movement paths.

Caught In A Loop
It is possible to become caught in an infinite loop. The loop can be as simple as a +1 below a -1 or it can be complex, taking you through multiple columns and/or spaces.
If you are caught in a loop, once you return to the first space you have occupied before, treat it as a forced stop for that marker only. The loop remains in place as a danger zone for all players. This is the only way you can stop on a movement tile and remain in place.
Avoid the loop!
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