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Rating: 5.8 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 4-20 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: Ben Drummond

Published by: Big Potato


The death-dodging party game.

When the shit hits the fan you need a plan. Escape from seriously bad situations with the help of seriously useless objects.

Ever wondered what you'd do if you woke up buried alive in an airtight coffin? Or you discover you had an alien parasite in your stomach? Well, we have. And we've made it into a delightfully dark party game.

Bucket of Doom is a card based game in a hot pink toxic bucket. Players take it in turns to share their daring escape from impending doom using one of their personal object cards to escape. Players vote for their favorite story, best plan wins.

Retail Price:$0

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