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Rating: 4 Passable
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 4-16 players
Playing time: 60 minutes

Created by: (Uncredited)

Published by: Habourdin International, Jumbo, Palmer/Cornale Games

Alternate Names: La Guerre des Sexes, Strijd der seksen


Boardgame where two teams (male vs female) try to reach the finish first by answering questions about the other sex.

So you think you know how the other sex thinks?

This is a lively and provocative team game where the women players are pitted against the men in a race for victory. The two teams must predict how the opposite sex would answer a question.

The women's team might be asked: "Men think the most attractive part of a women's anatomy is her face. TRUE or FALSE?"

The men's team might be asked: "Women think that it is better to date a rich rather than a handsome man.TRUE or FALSE?"

If the team answer matches the results of the extensive research survey they move closer to victory. To keep the excitement building, there are "head to head" contests and other quiz rounds. A lighthearted game that can be good entertainment.

Retail Price:$0

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