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Playing at various Player Counts

4-7 Players

No changes to setup or gameplay.

3 Players

For a three-player game, vary the setup and gameplay as follows: during setup, each player receives four Atlanteans of their color (3 followers and 1 Leader), and sets another three into the reserve. Players may control up to seven total Atlanteans.

During the Suffer Misfortunes phase, after each player has drawn and resolved a misfortune, the starting player draws and resolves an additional misfortune.

2 Players

For a two-player game, vary the setup and gameplay as follows: During setup, each player receives five Atlanteans of their color (4 followers and 1 Leader), and sets another three into the reserve. Players may control up to seven total Atlantean followers.

During setup, the starting player takes the Hologram meeple in addition to their starting Atlantean followers. See below for rules for the Hologram.

During the Suffer Misfort lines phase, each player draws and resolves two misfortunes, one at a time.

1 Player - Solo Variant

For a one-player game, vary the setup and gameplay as follows: During setup, take five Atlanteans of one color (4 followers and 1 Leader), and set another three into the reserve. You may control up to seven total Atlantean followers.

Take the Hologram and Automaton meeples and place them with the rest of your starting Atlanteans. Use the above rules for the Hologram. See the next page for rules for the Automaton.

At the beginning of each turn (including the first), take one mystic energy. Suggestion: Place these on the rounds spaces of the Wrath of the Gods track to remember to take them.

During the Suffer Misfortunes phase, draw and resolve four misfortunes, one at a time.

The Hologram

During setup, shuffle and create a stack of the unused councilor boards, called the councilor stack. Each round the starting player will receive the Hologram.

The Hologram is a special Leader that also counts as your Atlantean for the round. To determine the Hologram's power for the round, the starting player looks at the top two boards of the councilor stack, chooses one to use, and places the other in a discard pile.

At the end of the round, place the Hologram's councilor board into the Hologram discard pile. If the councilor stack ever runs out, reshuffle this discard pile to form a new stack.

The Hologram takes actions as normal, and has the special ability of the councilor you chose (but not of your own councilor). If the Hologram collects resources, mystic energy, or library cards, they are taken by the player controlling the Hologram and placed into their reserve.

The Automaton

The Automaton is a special worker that also counts as one of your Atlanteans (but not as a follower, so, for instance, it will not be affected by the special misfortune Plague).

The Automaton may never be placed on a tile by itself, but must always accompany at least one other Atlantean (including the Hologram).

Unlike other Atlanteans, it does not take actions, and thus never collects resources, mystic energy, or library cards. Instead, it has the special ability to grant a +2 to the die rolls of up to two other Atlanteans placed with it.

Adjusting Difficulty

To adjust the difficulty of the game, players can vary setup as shown below.

Select or randomly choose components from each of the indicated types, in addition to the Power Core. For your first game, we suggest starting on Level 1 and selecting the Mystic Siphon (B), Matter Converter (B), Numinous Beacon (C), and Entropy Drive (C), in addition to the A components and Power Core. More experienced gamers may wish to start at a higher difficulty level.

Players should feel free to experiment with other ways to adjust the difficulty, making the game easier or harder.

This might include varying the number of controlled floods and calm seas, adding the Hologram or Automaton (with the starting player taking control of one or both of them at the start of each turn), or starting at a higher number on the Wrath of the Gods track.

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