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Rating: 5.3 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-6 players
Playing time: 45 minutes

Created by: Stephen Glenn

Published by: R&R Games


Clever trivia game with a twist. Each round, a rotating "genius" chooses a question for the other players to answer.

One or more of those players might be randomly (and secretly) designated as "idiots", in which case they must write an incorrect answer.

There are several ways to score points: get the answer right when you're not an idiot; correctly accuse an idiot; avoid getting found out when you're an idiot; or trick others into accusing you when you're not an idiot.

These scoring dynamics lead to plenty of interesting decisions, making this much more interesting and tactical than your average trivia game.

Retail Price:$0
Golden Geek Best Light / Party Game Nominee 2006

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