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Rating: 6.8 Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 0-2 minutes

Created by: Ivanke & Lola

Published by: ThinkFun, Upside Down Games

Alternate Names: Yoga Spinner Game


Time to strengthen the body and stimulate the mind with the Yoga Spinner!

This fabulously fun game introduces players to the wonders of yoga, improves posture, enhances coordination, and increases flexibility.

Give the spinner a whirl and let the fun begin! Spin the spinner and try to hold the pose it lands on for ten seconds.

If you held the pose (without falling down laughing) you can keep the card! Be the first to collect a card of each color to win - or challenge yourself to complete and collect the cards!

Retail Price:$0
Fall Parents' Choice Silver Honor Winner 2013

Check These Posts:


  • 54 Yoga Pose cards
  • Spinner
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the first player to collect a card in each of the four colors.


Move around and stretch. Recommended warm-up exercises can be found at: here.

Game Play

  1. Divide the cards according to color and place each of the decks face down.

  2. The youngest player spins the Spinner and follows instructions according to the Spinner Guide (turn to back).

    To collect a card, a player must perform the yoga pose illustrated on the selected card for 10 seconds. …

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