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  • 54 Yoga Pose cards
  • Spinner
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the first player to collect a card in each of the four colors.


Move around and stretch. Recommended warm-up exercises can be found at: here.

Game Play

  1. Divide the cards according to color and place each of the decks face down.

  2. The youngest player spins the Spinner and follows instructions according to the Spinner Guide (turn to back).

    To collect a card, a player must perform the yoga pose illustrated on the selected card for 10 seconds.

    Otherwise, the card is returned to the bottom of its corresponding deck. (For the Partner Up card, perform for the times listed on each card).

  3. The game continues with the next player to the left.

Spinner Guide

  • Color Match: Take a card from the deck matching the color the Spinner landed on.

  • Steal a Card: Select any card from the player on your right (if that player hasn't collected any cards, a card is taken from the next player.

    If no one has any cards, one is taken from any deck).

  • Partner Up: Take a card from the white deck. All players form pairs to perform the indicated exercise simultaneously.

    If there is an uneven number of players, one player may need to perform the pose twice so everyone has a chance to participate.

  • Opponents' Choice: Your opponents work together to select which color deck you need to take a card from.

    They can choose the green, red, or blue decks.

  • Lose a Card: Your opponents work together to select one of your collected cards and return it to the bottom of its corresponding deck.

    If you haven't collected any cards, no action is needed.

  • Player's Choice: Take a card from the green, red, or blue decks.

End of the Game

If you're the first player to collect a card in all four colors - YOU WIN!

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