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Rating: 5.3 Moderate
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 0-8 minutes

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Published by: PlayMonster


Hey, let's kick some meatballs!

Kick some meatballs onto the mountain!

You and your Yeti are a team…a mean, lean kickin' team!

It's up to you to aim Yeti and then bop him on the head to make him start kickin' meatballs, trying to get them onto the mountain ledges! The first to get all four on wins!


  • 5-Piece Snowy Meatball Mountain with Center Connector
  • Flag
  • 4 Kickin' Yetis
  • 24 Meatballs, Rules

Game Basics: Players are each given meatballs, and stomp on the head of their yeti to make it kick the meatballs up the mountain. First to land a meatball on each landing wins!

Retail Price:$0

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