The Gates District (Takanawa Okido)

Here your Disciple can take one of the following actions:
Recruit One Disciple
Pay 7 Mon to the bank, take one of your Disciples from the Reserve and place it onto your Clan House. If you already own all 4 Disciples, you cannot take this action.
Give up 1 Prestige Point (by mov- ing your Marker on the Score Track backwards) to receive 3 Mon from the bank OR
give up 2 Prestige Points to receive 5 Mon from the bank (you cannot give up points that you do not have).
Foresight (Action Cards)
Take the top 3 cards of the Action Card deck and look at them. Arrange them in any order and return them face down to the top of the Action Card deck.
The Tavern District (Juku)

Visit The Carpenter To Build An Annex
Note: You are not allowed to choose this action if you cannot build any of the available Annexes.
Pay 11 Mon to the bank and take one Annex of your choice that you do not own and that is available on the game board. Place it on the appropriate space on your Clan board.
Foresight (Weapons)
Take the top 3 cards of the Weapons deck and look at them. Arrange them in any order and return them face down to the top of the Weapons deck.
The Red Light District (Yoswwara)

Here your Disciple can take one of the following actions:
Recruit One Geisha
Note: You can only choose this action if there is still a Geisha available on the game board.
Take one Geisha from the game board and place her onto an appropriate space on your Clan board. For this, pay 8 Mon to the bank OR give up 2 Prestige Points (you cannot give up points that you do not have).
Buy One Action Card
Gain the top card of the Action Card deck by paying 4 Mon to the bank.
The Market District (Kyobashi)

Here your Disciple can take one of the following actions:
Buy one weapon at the market
Take the Weapon that you want from the Market, place it at your Clan board, and pay the amount of Mon shown beneath its space.
If you own the Kobudo-Ryu (Annex), you pay 3 Mon less for that Weapon.
Sell one bonus card or one action card
You can sell either one Bonus Card OR one Action Card. The card is placed face down at the bottom of the appro- priate deck. For this, you receive 2 Mon from the bank.
The Harbor District (Shiba)
Here your Disciple can take one of the following actions:
Visit the church
Your Disciple converts to Christianity and receives charity.
Gain all Mon that is placed on the Church. If there is no Mon on the Church, you cannot take this action.
Buy luxury goods from the european merchants
Pay exactly 4 Mon to the bank to receive 1 Prestige Point OR pay exactly 9 Mon to the bank to receive 3 Prestige Points.
Foresight (Bonus Cards)
Take the top 3 cards of the Bonus Card deck and look at them. Arrange them in any order and return them face down to the top of the Bonus Card deck.
The Temple District (Ikegami Hommonji)
Here your Disciple can take one of the following actions:

Receive a blessing
Take one Blessing counter from the Temple and place it onto the appropriate space on your Clan board. If you already have a Blessing, you cannot choose this action.
Foresight (Mission Cards or Event Cards)
Take the top 3 cards of one Mission Card deck and look at them. Arrange them in any order and return them face down to the top of that Mission Card deck OR
Take the top 3 cards of the Event Card deck and look at them. Return them face down to the top of the Event Card deck without changing their order.
The Castle District (Edo-Jo)

Depending on the Assignment space your Disciple is on, it can take one specific action:
Gain an audience with the Shogun
Your Disciple visits the Shogun. For this, you receive 1 Prestige Point.
Gain an audience with the Bakufu
You receive new orders. Gain the top card of one Mission Card deck of your choice.
Relax at the Bower
Visiting the Bower allows players to change the player order.
Whoever is the first to activate a Disciple at the Bower to change the player order automatically activates the entire Bower. (Important: This does not apply when the activating player uses his Disciple to complete a Mission).
When a player activates the Bower, adjust the player order in the following manner:
Move all Markers on the Player Order Track slightly to the right, preserving their order.
The player with a Disciple on the lowest number of the Bower places his marker onto any position on the Player Order Track.
Then the player (if any) with a Disciple on the next-lowest number of the Bower places his marker onto any free position on the Track. Then the remaining player (if any) at the Bower does the same.
After that, the players who do not have a Disciple at the Bower place their Markers back onto the Player Order Track, starting with the one whose marker is farthest up and continuing downwards.
Each of them in turn must place his marker onto the lowest numbered free spot remaining on the Player Order Track.
Finally, all Disciples at the Bower return to their Clan Houses.
The new player order immediately takes effect. The Action Phase proceeds with the player whose Marker on the Player Order Track is now positioned directly after the player who just activated his Disciple at the Bower.
Note: Always keep this in mind when you need to have a Disciple in the Castle District to complete a Mission:
When it is placed at the Bower, another player may activate his Disciple first to change the player order and thereby remove your Disciple from the Bower along with his own.
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