The Story of Valeria

After a few years of relative peace, the Kingdom of Valeria is once again under attack from legions of undead, goblins, and many more nightmarish creatures.
The King of Valeria has valiantly stood against evil in the past, but in his old age he lacks the strength to protect our great kingdom.
Without an heir to succeed the king the citizens have begun to panic. Valeria needs a new ruler.
As one of the reigning Dukes, you are in a modest position of power, respect, and wealth. Assuming the throne as Valeria's new ruler is your destiny.
Winning the support of the common folk and nobles is an easy task; however, reigning over a land full of monsters isn't the future you had in mind.
You must first expand your domain and hire citizens that will help you fight off the tides of monsters that plague Valeria's borders. Outwit your fellow Dukes and earn your seat on the throne!

- 108 Citizen Cards
- 48 Fflonster Cards
- 24 Domain Cards
- 10 Duke Cards
- 10 Starter Cards
- 10 Exhausted Cards
- 5 Reference Cards
- 32 Dividers
- 2 Six-sided Dice
- 169 Tokens
- Instructions
Unlimited Resources 8 Victory Point Tokens
Resources and Victory Point tokens are not meant to be limited by their number in the game. If the tokens ever run out, players can use the included Multiplier tokens.
For example, if there are not enough Strength tokens and a player needs 5 Strength, they can take 1 Strength token and place it on a x5 Multiplier token.
Object of the Game
In Valeria: Card Kingdoms you play the role of a Duke or Duchess looking to defend the kingdom and build the most influential city.
During the game, you will be slaying Monsters, recruiting Citizens, and expanding your Domain. All of these actions build your city's infrastructure and add to your kingdom's influence in the form of victory points.
Keep an eye on your fellow Dukes and Duchesses as they will be doing the same.
The player with the most victory points at the end wins the game and is crowned as the new ruler of Valeria!
Cards are arranged by five columns to in a grid of four rows form the Center Stacks. Other stacks, tokens, and markers are placed around the Center Stacks after they have been set up. Remove any cards with the 5-player icon: .
Monster Cards
The top row consists of the Monster cards. Sort the Monsters into stacks by the area icon in the top right corner of each card.
Keeping the Monsters face-up, arrange the Monsters in each stack so that the Monster with the highest Strength is at the bottom, the lowest Strength is at the top, and the middle Strength is in between.

Position each Monster stack in the top row so that the leftmost stack has the lowest Strength number and the rightmost stack has the highest Strength number.
For your first game, we recommend that you play with the following Monster stacks, listed below to be positioned from left to right, with the individual Monsters arranged from top to bottom:
- Hills (3 Gohlin, 1 Goblin Mage, 1 Goblin lUng)
- Hains (2 Skeleton, 2 Flaming Skeleton, 1 Skeleton king)
- forest (2 Treant, 2 Bane Spiller, 1 Spider Queen)
- Valley (3 Owlbear, 1 Giant, 1 Troll)
- Mountains (2 Dire Bedr, 2 Ore Warrior, 1 Ore Chieftain)
Return any remaining Monster stacks to the box.
Citizen Cards
The two middle rows consist of the Citizen cards. Sort the Citizens into stacks by their name. For example, one stack of Monk cards, one stack of Cleric cards, etc.

Choose one Citizen type per activation number (upper left corner of each Citizen card). Remove 1 card per stack and place it back in the box - there should be 5 cards per stack. Place the stacks face-up in sequential order in the middle two rows of the Center Stacks.
For your first game, we recommend that you play with the following Citizen types, positioned in sequential order from left to right and separated by row:
- Cleric, Merchant, Mercenary, Archer, Feasant
- Knight. Rogue, Champion, Btladin, Batcher
Return any unchosen Citizen stacks to the box.
Domain Cards
The bottom row consists of the Domain cards. Shuffle all of the Domains together. Deal 2 face-down cards to each position in the bottom row, then deal 1 face-up card to each position in the bottom row. Return the unused Domains to the box.

Exhausted Cards
Take 2 Exhausted cards per player and place them in a stack above the Monster row. Return the rest to the box.
Starter and Reference Cards
Give each player 1 Starter Peasant card, 1 Starter Knight card, and 1 Reference card. These cards will form a player's initial kingdom or tableau. Return any unused Starter and Reference cards to the box.

Starting Resources
Give each player 2 Gold tokens and 1 Magic token. Place the remaining tokens within easy reach of all players to create the Bank.
Players will take Resources from the Bank during the game unless otherwise stated. Some cards give players Victory tokens during certain conditions; these are also taken from the Bank unless otherwise stated.
Duke Cards
Shuffle all of the Duke cards together, then deal 2 Dukes to each player. Each player selects 1 Duke for this game and returns the unchosen Duke to the box. Each player keeps their Duke secret from the other players until the end of the game.
Active Player
Randomly select the first player. The selected player will be the first Active player in the game. Give them the First Player token and the dice.
You are now ready to play the game.
Game Play
The game is played in a series of turns, each divided into four phases:
- Roll Phase
- Harvest Phase
- Fiction Phase
- End Phase
The Active player passes the dice to their left.
During each turn, the phases are executed in the same order.
Note: Certain Domain cards are only activated or are active during certain phases.
1. Roll Phase

In this phase, the Active player rolls the 2 dice to determine the numbers that will activate Citizens in the Harvest Phase.
Each die value and the sum of both dice will activate the Citizens with matching Activation Numbers in each player's tableau during the Harvest Phase.
Example: If you roll a 3 and 5, you will activate Citizen cards that have 3, 5, and 8 as their activation number.
Some Domain cards allow the Active player to change the die values during this phase. Before players Activate their Citizens, the Active player may decide to use the power of any number of the Domain cards they own. Each Domain card that changes a die may only be used one time per Roll Phase.
To end the Roll Phase, the Active player announces the results of the dice roll and play proceeds to the Harvest Phase.
2. Harvest Phase

In this phase, players will acquire or trade Resources according to the Citizens they own that are activated by the Roll Phase. All players participate in the Harvest Phase.
Each Citizen card has 2 powers shown at the bottom of the card. When a Citizen is activated, both powers are activated, but a player only uses one power, according to whether they are the Active player or a non-Active player:
The left-side (on-turn) power under the icon only applies to the Active player.
The right-side (off-turn) power under the icon only applies to the non-Active player(s).
If you have more than 1 copy of a Citizen card, each of those Citizens are activated individually.
Example: If you have two Archers (activation number 4) in your tableau, a result of 4 will activate both of the Archers.
Rolling doubles will activate each matching card twice.
Example: If you have three Archers and the result is double Ts, then each Archer will activate for one 4 result and then each Archer will activate again for the other 4 result, for a total of six activations.
Resource tokens received or paid during the Harvest Phase are taken from or paid to the Bank unless the card says otherwise. The only Citizen that takes from another player is the Thief.
When the Thief is activated, they act first at the beginning of the Harvest Phase before other Citizens activate.
Example: You roll a 2 and 5 (which is also a 7) and own a Thief. You must activate your Thief io take someone's Gold or Magic before other players activate their Peasants to take Gold from the off-turn power.
During the Harvest Phase, a player may use the power of the Citizens that are activated in any order they wish.
Example: You roll a 1 and 4 (which is also a 5). You are not the Active Player and you own a Monk (activation number 1) and a Peasant (activation number 5). You use the Peasant's power to gain 1 Gold, then you immediately use the Monk's power to return that 1 Gold to the Bank to gain 2 Magic.
If the dice roll did not activate any of a player's Citizens, then that player may take any one Resource from the bank regardless of whether they are the Active player or not.
After completing the Harvest Phase, play proceeds to the Action Phase.
3. Action Phase
In this phase, the Active player takes 2 Actions from the following:
- Slag a Monster
- Recruit a Citizen
- Gain a Resource
- Build a Domain
The same action may be taken twice.
If a stack in the Center Stacks is ever Exhausted as a result of an action taken by a player, the player first finishes the Action and then adds an Exhausted card from the Exhausted stack above the Monsters to the empty position.
A player must take 2 Actions and may not move on to the End Phase until both Actions are completed. After the Active player has taken their 2 Actions, play proceeds to the End Phase.
Slay a Monster

This action allows a player to take a Monster from the top of a stack and add it to their Victory stack. To Slay a Monster:
Select a Monster that is on top of a stack.
Pay the Resources equal to the Strength and Magic cost on the Monster card. Magic can be used to augment Strength, but you must spend at least one Strength token.
Some Monster cards cost both Strength and Magic to slay. If so, the Magic cost is in addition to any Magic tokens you might be using to augment your Strength tokens.
Take the Monster and place it face-up in your tableau in your Victory stack. This is public information for the rest of the game.
Take the Rewards at the bottom of the Monster card from the Bank and/or Center Stacks.

Example: The Treant is at the top of the Forest Monster stack. It has a Strength of 3.
You spend 1 Strength and 2 Magic tokens to slay the Treant and add the card to your Victory stack. You then take 1 Gold and 1 Magic as a reward from the Bank.
Recruit a Citizen

This action allows a player to take a Citizen from the top of a stack and add it to their tableau. In order to Recruit a Citizen:
Select a Citizen that is on top of a stack.
Pay the Resources equal to the Gold cost (base cost) on the Citizen card plus an additional 1 Gold for each copy of the same Citizen you have in your tableau.
Magic can be used to augment Gold, but you must spend at least one Gold token.
Take the Citizen and place it face-up in your tableau. A Citizen card does not activate on the turn it is recruited.

Example: The cost to recruit a Peasant is 2+. Since you already have your Starter Peasant, the cost for a second Peasant would be 3 Gold (2 for the cost of the Peasant plus 1 because you already own a Peasant).
You spend 1 Gold and 2 Magic tokens to recruit the Peasant and add it to your tableau.
Gain a Resource
This action allows a player to take one Gold, Strength, or Magic Resource from the Bank.
Build a Domain

This action allows a player to take a Domain from the top of a stack and add it to their tableau. In order to Build a Domain:
Select a Domain that is on top of a stack. In order to build a Domain, the Citizens in your tableau must have Citizen Role icons that match those on the Domain card
If the Domain card shows multiples of a Citizen Role icon, then you must have an equal number of matching Citizens in your tableau.
Pay the Resources equal to the Gold cost on the Domain. Magic can be used to augment Gold, but you must spend at least one Gold token.
Take the Domain and place it face-up in your tableau. This is public information for the rest of the game.
Take the Rewards at the bottom of the Domain card. Some Domains give you an immediate and one-time reward. Some Domains have an ongoing benefit and activate as stated on the card.
Reveal the next Domain by flipping it over if there is still a Domain card in the stack.

Example: The Palace of the Dawn Domain shows 1 Worker and 2 Soldier Citizen Role icons. You have a Peasant (which has a Worker Role icon) and 2 Archers (which each have a Soldier Role icon), so you meet the Citizen Role requirement.
You pay 11 Gold and take the Domain and place it face-up in your tableau. For the rest of the game, you may use its ongoing benefit.
If ever there is a conflict between the rules in this rulebook and the power on a Domain, the Domain supersedes these rules and you should follow the text on the card.
4. End Phase
In this phase, players check to see if the end-game conditions have been met. If they have been met, play continues until all players have taken an equal number of turns and the turn order returns to the player with the First Player token.
To end this phase, the Active player passes the dice to the player to their left and a new turn begins.
If the end-game conditions were met and all players have taken an equal amount of turns, then the game ends and players count up their Victory Points.
End of the Game
The end-game conditions are met at the end of the Active Player's turn if:
- All of the Monsters have been slain, or
- All of the Domains have been built, or
- The number of Exhausted stacks is equal to twice the number of players.
When the game is over, your score is the sum of the:
- Total Victory Mints on all of your slain Monsters.
- Total Victory Mints on all of your built Domains.
- Total Victory Mint tokens in your possession.
- Total Victory Mints scored from your Duke.
Note: If your Duke scores on Citizen Role icons, be sure to include the Citizen Role icons found on your Citizens and your Domains.
The player with most Victory Points wins the game.
In the event of a tie, the tied player who has the fewest cards in their tableau wins the game.

Recommended Starting Setups
The following are a list of recommended starting setups that focus on certain aspects of the game.
Glittering Gold
Monsters: Hills, Ruins, Forest, Swamp, and Caverns.
Citizens: Monk, Merchant, Alchemist, Archer, Rogue, Champion, Paladin, and Butcher.
Remove these Domains from the game: Forgotten Sorrows, The Violet Thorn, Colden Obelisk of Nae, and Monolith of Ostendaar.
Mastery Over Magic
Monsters: Barrens, Ruins, Forest, Valley, and Mountains.
Citizens: Cleric, Merchant, Alchemist, Wizard, Thief, Champion, Paladin, and Butcher.
Remove these Domains from the game: Foxgrove Palisade, Eye of Asteraten, nd Gargan's Embrace.
Monster Blood
Monsters: Barrens, Ruins, Forest, Swamp, and Mountains.
Citizens: Cleric, Blacksmith, Mercenary, Archer, Rogue, Warlord, Priestess, and Miner.
Remove these Domains from the game: Forgotten Sorrows, Nest of the Weaver Witch, Cathedral of St. Aquila, and Cutthroat's Truce.
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