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Rating: 7 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: James Ernest, Mike Selinker, Tony Steele

Published by: Playroom Entertainment


Unspeakable Words is a word game where you will attempt to form words from the letter cards in your hand.

The deck consist of 96 letter cards and each player gets 7 cards to form their starting hand. The players receive also 5 tokens that represent their sanity.

When you form a word, each letter is worth points and a 20-side die must now be rolled. If the roll is greater than or equal to the points of the word you can keep your sanity tokens, else you will loose one. You are out of the game when you don't have any tokens anymore.

Your goal is to score 100 points without going insane.

Retail Price:$84
Unspeakable Words: "Unspeakable Letter" Promo Card
Golden Geek Best Party Board Game Nominee 2008
Games Magazine Best New Word Game Winner 2008

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