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Action Cards.

Adventure cards.

Exploration cards

Card Types

A Curse card.

A Skill card.

A State or Character card.

A Bonus card (companion, positive state, side quest).

An Item card whose durability is equal to the value of the die.

A Quest item card (to be stored underneath the "Satchel & Journal" card).

A Temporary event that must be resolved immediately and then discarded.

A Permanent event that must be put into play, oriented in the same way as the other cards on the Board, with its placement arrow pointing to the Terrain card your figure is standing on. It is then considered to be attached to that Terrain card.

The purchasing cost (in experience points) of an Advanced Skill card.


An action players may take.

This action has already been performed and cannot be performed again from the Terrain card this Permanent event card is attached to.

All players involved in the current action must take this action collectively. Other players may not get involved in it.

The related effect may only be applied during an action of this type (if the character is involved in it).

Players may not alter the default cost of the action (the number of cards to be drawn imposed by the action), unless they use the effects of cards from their hands and/or inventories.

An action all players must get involved in (the consequence of this action might force them to discard all the cards forming the current Board and reset somewhere different).

When players are on a Terrain card showing this icon, they are not allowed to take the following actions: make fire, craft and rest.

The default cost of the action, i.e. the minimum number of cards to be drawn to take the action.

The number of cards that players may subtract (i.e. they need not draw them) from the action cost during the Cost step of an action they are involved in.

The difficulty of the action, i.e. the minimum number of successes (full gold stars) you must obtain to perform it successfully.

One success that must be added to your total during the Result step of an action the player is involved in.

For each 7 obtained during the Result step of an action the player is involved in, the 7 icon is worth star.

Is worth 1 success for each z icon obtained during the Result step of an action the player is involved in. If there are no 'J icons, this icon is worth zero success.

The consequence that must be applied if the action is a success.

The consequence that must be applied if the action is a failure.

Action Consequences And Card Effects

Take a card bearing this number from the Adventure Deck (green by default; gold only if no green card is available). This icon is referred to as a "numbox".

Once it has been resolved, discard this Exploration card and replace it with an Adventure card that belongs there.

Banish this green card and replace it with a gold card bearing the same number.

All involved characters move their figure to the same reachable Terrain card.

You may add together the number associated with the pictograph in this banner and the number of the card you are to take.

Unless otherwise stated, the involved characters must remove a total of X pips, as chosen by themselves, across the values of the dice resting on their items. When an item's durability goes down to zero, it is discarded.

The player must discard 1 card from the top of the 1 card from the top of the Action Deck for each they have in hand.

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