Discard: Whenever the terms 'discard' or 'discard from the Battlefield' are used, the card being discarded is always put face-up into the Discard Pile of the player discarding the card, and not necessarily the player that owns that card.
Destroy: Whenever a card is 'destroyed' it is placed face-down on top of the Magic Pile of the player that destroyed that card, and not necessarily the player that owns that card.
Through: Some movement abilities use the term 'through'. A card is not considered to have moved through another card until it has moved onto and then back off of that card. So for example in Torodin's Trample ability it states: 'Torodin may move through Common Units. Every Unit that Torodin moves through receives 1 Wound Marker. Torodin must end his move on an unoccupied space.' In the case of Torodin's Trample the Unit he is trampling does not receive the wound until Torodin moves onto and then back off of that Unit.
Place or Exchange Places: Some Special Abilities use the term 'place' as in ... place this Unit adjacent to a Wall card...' or 'exchange places' as in '.this Unit may exchange places with an adjacent Unit.' For rules purposes placing a Unit or having a Unit exchanging places with another card is not the same thing as moving that Unit.
You Control and Friendly: When a card refers to a card 'you control' that means a card on the Battlefield that was placed there by you or that you gained control of by the use of an Event or Special Ability. Two players cannot control a card at the same time, so if another player ever gains control of your card for any period of time, you lose control of that card for that period of time. When a card refers to a 'friendly' card, that means a card on the Battlefield that either you or a teammate controls.
Wounds vs. Hits: Most of the time when you Hit a Unit you inflict a Wound on that Unit, but there are Special Abilities that change that rule. For example the Tough Ability states: 'When an opponent rolls to attack this Unit, this Unit only receives Wound Markers from die results of 4 or higher during that attack.' So it is possible to Hit a Unit with all of the dice you rolled for an attack, but only Wound that Unit with some of those Hits.
Other Special Abilities let you avoid rolling dice and inflicting Hits altogether. For example the Precise Ability states: 'When attacking with this Unit, instead of rolling the dice, count the number of dice that would be rolled. Place that number of Wound Markers on the Unit that is being attacked.' So in the case of Precise, the Unit is not Hit by the attack, but instead just receives Wounds equal to the number of dice that would be rolled for that attack.
The Sluggish Ability works in a similar way. It states: 'When this Unit is attacked, instead of rolling the dice, count the number of dice that would be rolled. Place that number of Wound Markers on this Unit.' If a Unit with the Precise Ability ever attacks a Unit with the Sluggish Ability, you only count the dice that would be rolled for that attack once, and inflict that many Wounds. You do not count them once for each Ability.
Discarded cards are always put face-up into a Discard Pile and destroyed cards are always put face-down on top of a Magic Pile unless a card's text specifically directs otherwise. During the game your cards are going to get mixed in with your opponent's cards. At the end of every game you will need to separate your cards back out into their original decks.
Some Special Abilities, such as Blerg's Adapt ability, tell you to place cards underneath a Unit Card that is on the Battlefield.
Whenever you move a Unit that has other cards beneath it, all of the cards beneath it move with that Unit.
When a Unit with other cards beneath it is destroyed, that Unit Card and all the cards beneath it are placed face-down on top of the Magic Pile of the player destroying that Unit.
When a Unit with other cards beneath it is discarded, that Unit Card and all the cards beneath it are placed into the Discard Pile of the player discarding that Unit.
Vine Walls are an exception to the above rules. A Vine Wall can be under a Unit card, but for the purposes of rules interpretation, they are not treated like a card under that Unit card.
When counting spaces for any purpose, never count diagonally. The only exception to this rule is Special Abilities that specifically allow a Unit to attack diagonally. This means when you figure out the range of a Special Ability, if that Special Ability doesn't specify 'straight line spaces' count the spaces to the affected Unit like you would count out movement.
Some Events and Special Abilities allow you to move or attack with Units outside of your normal Movement and Attack Phases.

Goblin Fighters do not attack during your Attack Phase. Instead, immediately after your normal Attack Phase, you may attack with up to 2 Goblin Fighters that you control.
In the above example, the Goblin Fighters are a Unit that do not attack during your Attack Phase and so do not count toward the total number of Units you are allowed to attack with during your Attack Phase on that turn. Moves and attacks taking place outside your normal Movement or Attack Phases are considered free movements and attacks.
So in the above example you can always attack with up to 2 Goblin Fighters in addition to attacking with the 3 Unit Cards you are allowed to attack with during your normal Attack Phase.
Some Event Cards give Units a temporary Special Ability. A Unit can acquire multiple Special Abilities in this way, but multiple Special Abilities of the same name do not stack with one another. For example: If you play a DUCK AND COVER Event Card, giving your Sand Goblins the CAMOUFLAGE Special Ability, playing another DUCK AND COVER would be of no effect, as it would not improve the CAMOUFLAGE Special Ability already in place in any way.
The effects from multiple Event Cards can stack together, including the effects from multiple Event Cards of the same type, but as already established Special Abilities of the same name do not stack. For example: If you play a STALKING ADVANCE Event Card to move each of your Shadow Elves 1 space, you could then play a second STALKING ADVANCE Event Card to move each of your Shadow Elves 1 space again.
If the effects from 2 Special Abilities or Event Cards ever trigger at the exact same time, the player whose turn it is determines in which order those effects will resolve. Likewise if an attack ever Hits multiple Units at once the attacker chooses in which order they are Hit.
If an Event or Special Ability says that you can use it at any time, you can use it at any time during your turn or in between any phase of your opponent's turn.
When a Special Ability or Event allows you to take control of an opponent's card, make sure that you turn that card so that it can be read right-side up from your side of the Battlefield. If control of that card returns to your opponent it should then be turned again so that it can be read right-side up from your opponent's side of the Battlefield. This helps you track which cards you control and which cards your opponent controls.
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