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  • 12 Ship Sheets
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 16 Reputation Tokens
  • 16 Patrol Tokens
  • 40 Damage Tokens
  • 22 Contact Tokens
  • 8 Character Standees
  • 60 Credit Tokens
  • 70 Encounter Cards
  • 70 Market Cards
  • 53 Databank Cards
  • 12 Goal Tokens
  • 8 Character Cards
  • 2 Map Endcaps
  • 10 AI Cards
  • 6 Map Tiles
  • 6 Dice
  • 4 Reference Cards
  • 1 Rules Reference

Key Concept: Databank Cards

The Back of a
Databank Card

The databank is a deck of numbered cards that is never shuffled. At certain times during the game (such as setup), you will need to retrieve a specific numbered card from this deck.

Simply thumb through the card backs until you find the correct number, draw the card, and resolve it.

To make it easy to find the card you need, keep this deck in numeric order with the #1 cards on the top and the #92 cards on the bottom.

When a player discards a databank card, return it to the deck in the proper place.

If there are multiple cards with the same number (shown on the card back as multiple dots under the number), simply draw a random card of that number from the deck.


Perform the following steps before playing the game. If playing a single-player game, there are some additional steps you need to follow.

  1. Build Map: Use map tiles to build the map as shown below:

  2. Set Up Patrol Tokens: Sort the patrol tokens by level (the white dots on the back of the tokens). Place each level-1 token faceup on the navpoint space (yellow circle) adjacent to the endcap space that has a matching faction icon.

    Take the remaining patrol tokens and create four stacks of facedown tokens, one for each faction, by arranging the tokens in numerical order by level.

    Each stack should have its level-4 token on the bottom of the stack and its level-2 token on the top of the stack. Place each stack of tokens on the endcap space that has a matching faction icon.

  3. Set Up Contacts: Gather all contact tokens facedown and mix them together to randomize them. Then, place one contact token facedown on each contact space on the map, making sure that the color and number of pips on the space match those on the token.

  4. Create Token Supply: Separate the credit, damage, and goal tokens into piles, placing them within easy reach of all players.

  5. Choose Characters: Each player rolls all six dice. The player who rolled the most and results is the first player. Starting with that player and proceeding clockwise around the table, each player chooses a character and receives the following components:

    • a 1 character card with "Personal Goal" side faceup
    • b 1 character standee matching their chosen character
    • c 1 player board with a plastic fame marker in the "0" space of the fame track
    • d 4 reputation tokens (1 of each faction). Place them on the reputation tracks of the player board, covering that faction's icon.
    • e 1 starter ship sheet, flipped to the side of their choice (either the G9 Rigger or the G-1A Starfighter)
    • f 1 reference card
    • g Credit tokens (the amount varies). Starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise, players receive: 4,000 credits, 6,000 credits, 8,000 credits, and 10,000 credits.
  6. Character Setup: Players simultaneously follow the setup instructions at the bottom of their character card.

    • a Each player takes the databank card specified on their character card (see "Key Concept: Databank Cards" on page 2). If the databank card is labeled as "Cargo", they place the card above their ship sheet in the "Cargo" slot. Otherwise, they place the card below their player board in one of the "Job or Bounty" slots.
    • b Each player places their character standee on the map on the starting planet listed on the databank card they just drew.
    • c If the setup instructions provide reputation, the player moves the listed faction's reputation token up or down to the specified space.
  7. Set Up Decks and Sheets: Set up the card decks as follows:

    • a Separate the market cards into six different decks according to their card backs. Shuffle each deck and place them facedown in a row below the map. Then reveal the top card of each deck and place it faceup on the top of its deck.

    • b Separate the encounter cards into seven different decks by card back. Shuffle each deck, and place them facedown next to the map, near their corresponding planets.

    • c Keep the databank deck in order, within easy reach of all players.

    • d Keep the unused ship sheets in a pile out of the way. This is the supply of unused ships, and players will be able to acquire these ships during the game.

You are now ready to begin playing the game.

Game Play

Even though this game is about scoundrels and mercenaries, the game is structured in a fair and civilized way. Starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise, each player takes a turn. On your turn, perform the following three steps in order.

  1. Planning Step: You may move, recover all damage, or gain 2,000 credits.

  2. Action Step: You may perform any number of actions, including buying cards from the market and delivering cargo and bounties.

  3. Encounter Step: You resolve a single encounter, usually by drawing an encounter card corresponding to your space.

The full details of each step are described later in this book and are summarized on your reference card.

After resolving your encounter step, your turn is over and the player seated to your left begins their turn. Continue resolving turns in this manner until a player wins the game.

Key Concept: Reputation

The decisions that you make will influence what the factions of the galaxy think of you. For example, if you steal from Jabba, you might lose reputation with the Hutts. There are four factions in the game.

Your reputation with each faction is marked on your player board using a reputation token. You always have one reputation token for each faction, and each token can be in one of three spaces on its reputation track:

  • Positive Reputation: A token on the top space of its reputation track represents that the faction sees you as a valuable ally. Effects from encounter cards and patrols may reward you for this (explained later).

  • Neutral Reputation: A token on the middle space of its reputation track represents that the faction neither hates you nor trusts you. You will not gain benefits or penalties from this faction.

  • O Negative Reputation: A token on the bottom space of its reputation track means that the faction sees you as an enemy and a threat. Effects from encounter cards and patrols may punish you for this (explained later).

Many effects can make you gain or lose reputation with a faction.

When you gain a reputation with a faction, move that faction's token one space up toward the positive space.

When you lose a reputation with a faction, move that faction's token one space down toward the negative space.

If you have positive reputation with a faction, any additional reputation gained has no effect.

Likewise, if you have negative reputation with a faction, any additional reputation lost has no effect.

Planning Step

During the planning step, you prepare yourself for action.

Choose and resolve one of the following options:

  • Move your character on the map (explained below).

  • Recover all damage from your character and ship. Damage is usually acquired during combat and is described in detail later.

  • Gain 2,000 credits. This represents you spending time doing an odd job such as a temporary security gig, herding nerfs, or running a scam.

  • Some card abilities are preceded by the bold word "Planning". Simply resolve the ability on the card.

After you resolve your chosen option, proceed to the action step.

Movement Rules

Whether you choose to hunt bounties, smuggle cargo, or partake in other illicit activities, you will need to travel the galaxy to accomplish your goals.

If you choose to move during the planning step, move your character on the map a number of spaces up to your ship's hyperdrive value ().

There are three types of spaces: planet spaces, navpoint spaces, and the Maelstrom space. Spaces are adjacent if they are connected by a path.

Interrupting Movement

There are two elements that prevent you from moving through them: the Maelstrom space and patrols.

If you move into the Maelstrom space, you must stop moving (end your planning step and proceed to your action step).

If you move into a space that has a patrol token, you must stop moving unless you have positive () reputation with that patrol's faction. For example, if you have Imperial reputation you can freely move through Imperial patrols.

The Maelstrom and patrols interrupt your movement only when you move into their space, not when you move out of their space on a subsequent turn.

Movement Example

  • 1 Jyn Erso is on Ryloth and wishes to move to the Ring of Kafrene during her planning step.
  • 2 Her ship has a hyperdrive value () of 7, and the Ring of Kafrene is 4 spaces away.
  • 3 However, an Imperial patrol is in the way. Since Jyn does not have Imperial reputation, she would have to stop in the patrol's space.
  • 4 Instead of dealing with the Imperial patrol, Jyn takes the other route toward the Ring of Kafrene.

Action Step

Actions represent incidental activities that you can do. Unlike the planning and encounter steps, you can resolve any number of actions during this step. There are four actions you can perform, and you can perform each action once per action step:

  • Trade: Exchange cards with another player in your space.

  • Market: If on a planet, buy a card from a market deck.

  • Deliver: Drop off cargo and bounty cards on their indicated planet to gain rewards.

  • Resolve an Action Ability: Some card abilities are preceded by the bold word "Action". Simply resolve the ability on the card. You can resolve any number of card actions, though each ability can be resolved only once per turn.

After resolving your final action, proceed to the encounter step.

Trade Action

Choose another player in your space and exchange bounties, cargo, crew, gear, jobs, and mods.

Any number of cards can trade hands, and the trade does not need to be equal as long as both players agree to it.

Trading Credits And Promises

Although you are limited to trading cards during a trade action, you can exchange credits with other players at any time during your turn. This can be done from anywhere on the map (you do not need to be in the same space).

This can even be done in the middle of an action (for example, while resolving a market action).

Players often trade credits for future promises. For example, you may give a player 1,000 credits to help that player out of a tight situation, under the condition that they give you 2,000 credits on their next turn.

Such agreements are perfectly legal, but future promises are non-binding. This means the player may decide, when the time comes, to not actually give you the promised amount of credits back.

What are Credits

Galactic credits are the standardized form of currency used in the Galactic Empire. In the game, credits are denoted by the credit symbol () and are represented by credit tokens in various denominations.

Each player's credit tokens are kept by their player board. When a player spends credits, they return the required amount of credits to the supply of unused tokens, taking change from the supply as necessary.

Market Action

This action is the main way in which you can gain bounties, cargo, gear, jobs, and mods. You can only perform a market action if you are on a planet.

When you perform this action, you may choose a market deck and discard the top card of that deck (place the card facedown on the bottom of the deck).

Then reveal the top card of that market deck and place it on top of the deck. This allows you to cycle cards in the deck to either find cards you want to buy or deny your opponents the cards they want to buy.

Regardless of whether or not you discard a card from a market deck, you may choose to buy one card. It can be the card on top of any market deck. After you buy a card, reveal the top card of that market deck and place it on top of the deck. If the revealed card has a patrol movement icon, resolve that icon.

Each market card has a credit cost in the top right corner (sometimes 0 credits). To buy a card, simply spend the amount of credits listed here (see "What Are Credits?" on the left). Then place the card under your ship sheet or player board in a slot that matches the card's type. For example, if you buy a cargo card, tuck it partially under one of the "Cargo" slots on your ship.

Each slot can hold one card. If you do not have an empty slot of that type, you may discard one of your cards to make room.

Some market cards have a trait listed before the ability, such as illegal, weapon, or armor. Traits are always shown in all capital letters. They have no inherent effect, but may be referenced by other abilities.

Patrol Movement

After you buy a card from a market deck, you must reveal the top card of that market deck. If there is a patrol movement icon on the revealed card, you must move that patrol. Note that you only move patrols using these icons after buying or gaining a card from a market deck, not after discarding a card.

Each patrol movement icon has a faction and a distance. The faction indicates which patrol you move, and the distance indicates how many spaces the patrol moves toward you.

If this card is revealed after you buy a market card, you must move the Rebel patrol three spaces toward you.

If there are multiple paths that lead toward you, you choose which path the patrol follows. However, if the patrol can possibly move to your space, it must move along the shortest path.

Patrols can freely move into and through the Maelstrom space and can end their movement in any space (even a planet or in the same space as another patrol). When a patrol ends its movement in your space, do not fight a combat.

You will be required to encounter the patrol during your encounter step if you are still in that space and have negative reputation with the patrol's faction. There is always one patrol of each faction on the map. If a patrol is destroyed, remove the token from the game and spawn a new patrol of that faction.

Patrols typically move when a player performs a market action; however, some card abilities may also instruct patrols to move. When this occurs, simply follow the instructions on the ca rd.

Buying Ships

Cards in the market deck are usually new ships. When buying a ship, retrieve its ship sheet from the supply of unused ships.

A Ship Goal

Your current ship sheet is returned to the supply, and the new ship is placed with its "Ship Goal" side faceup (shown on the left side of the sheet).

Remove all damage from your ship, and keep all cards such as cargo, crew, and mods, placing them in the appropriate slots of your new ship.


When buying a card, you may discard any of your cargo, gear, or mods to reduce the cost by the discarded cards' cost. Place the discarded cards on the bottom of their market deck.

When buying a ship, you always barter your existing ship and use its cost (shown in the upper left corner of the ship sheet) as a discount toward the ship you are purchasing.

You cannot gain credits back when bartering, you can only reduce the cost to a minimum of 0 credits.

Deliver Action

You will often gain bounty and cargo cards from market decks. These cards need to be brought to a specific planet to gain the reward. Note that bounties have other requirements as well, such as capturing a specific contact.

To deliver cargo, you simply need to be on the "Destination" planet listed on the card and perform a deliver action to gain the reward listed. Then discard the cargo card to the bottom of its deck.

Destination and
Rewards on Cargo

If you have multiple cards to deliver to your current space, you can deliver them all during the same deliver action (resolve them in the order of your choice).

Encounter Step

After performing any actions, you will have an encounter in your space. This often involves having a story-based adventure on your planet, meeting a famous character from the Star Wars universe, or fighting a combat.

During your encounter step, you must choose one of the following options. The options are summarized below and explained in detail in the following sections.

  • Encounter a Patrol: Fight a ship combat against a patrol token in your space. If you have negative reputation with a patrol in your space, you must choose to encounter it and you cannot perform other types of encounters.

  • Encounter Your Space: Draw an encounter card matching your space.

  • Encounter a Contact: Reveal and encounter a contact token on your planet. This will let you resolve a specific databank card that often provides crew.

  • Resolve an Encounter Ability: Some card abilities are preceded by the bold word "Encounter". Simply resolve the ability on the card.

Encounter a Patrol

While traveling the galaxy, you will discover patrols belonging to various factions.

When you encounter a patrol, fight a ship combat against it. If you lose the combat, move the patrol one space in any direction. If you win the combat, you lose one reputation with that patrol's faction.

Then gain the reward listed on the patrol token (credits or fame) and remove the token from the game. Then spawn one patrol of that faction. To spawn a patrol, draw the top token from that faction's stack of patrol tokens and place the token faceup in the space adjacent to that stack of tokens.

Note that level-4 patrols are invulnerable (have "-" for their combat value). These patrols will always deal enough damage to defeat the player's ship, and they always win combat (do not roll dice for the combat).

Encounter your Space

There are countless planets and stars in the galaxy, and each has a unique story to tell.

When you encounter your space, draw the top encounter card from the deck matching your space (i.e., the deck that depicts the planet you are on, or the navpoint deck).

The front of each encounter card has up to three different sections. Resolve the section that matches your space by reading it aloud, and then discard the card facedown to the bottom of its encounter deck.

A section may be further divided by another condition, such as your reputation with a specific faction. Simply resolve the part of that section that matches your current situation.

Some encounter cards have a bounty, cargo, crew, job, gear, or mod listed at the bottom of the card. An effect on the card may instruct you to gain that bounty, cargo, crew, gear, job, or mod.

When this happens, instead of discarding the card, place it in a matching slot of your player board or ship sheet. Tuck the card under your board or sheet to cover up the other sections on the encounter card.

Secrets on Encounter Cards

Some encounter effects are labeled as secret. Read this card to yourself (not aloud), and keep it hidden. Secrets are easily identified by being upside down and clearly labeled: "Secret".

You can resolve the secret's ability in the future by following the instructions on the card. Keep your secrets facedown on the table when you are not looking at them. Secrets do not take up slots on your ship sheet or player board.

Strategy Tips For Encountering Spaces

Some planets have faction icons on them. Encounter cards on these planets commonly allow you to gain reputation with that faction or reward you for having positive reputation with that faction.

Also note that the back of the encounter cards provide an overview of the most common rewards that appear on these cards. Keep this information in mind when choosing what type of encounter to resolve.

Encounter a Contact

You are not the only person of interest in the galaxy. Other mercenaries and members of the various factions can be found in cantinas and spaceports.

Each planet has two contact tokens placed next to it at the start of the game; these tokens are considered to be on the planet.

To encounter a contact, choose one contact token on your planet and flip it faceup.

The Face of Databank
Card #12

Then, retrieve the databank card listed on the contact (such as #12 above). Read the top section of the card and resolve its ability. Depending upon the outcome, the card may become a crew card.

If you gain the crew, tuck the card under your ship sheet in one of your crew slots, so that only the crew portion of the card is visible. If the ability did not allow you to keep the card, return the databank card to the deck.

Many abilities will discard the contact from the map. If the ability does not discard it, the token remains faceup in its space. Any player can encounter this contact as normal during their encounter step.

Some contacts have faction icons or the droid icons () or the droid icon (). These icons have no inherent effect, but may be referenced by other abilities. Each contact token also has a class (gray, green, or yellow). The class has no effect, but is used during setup and by bounties.

Secretly Looking at Contacts

Some abilities allow you to secretly look at a contact token. To do this, slide the token off the map and look at its face, being careful not to show it to any other player. Then return the token facedown to its planet. You cannot look at the contact's database card at this time.

You can tell other players about the information on the token (or lie about it), but you cannot show the token to any other player.

End of the Game

Regardless of the path you take, the goal of Outer Rim is to become the most famous (or infamous) mercenary in the galaxy. The first player to acquire 10 fame wins the game. The game ends as soon as a player acquires enough fame to win.

For your first game, each player's goal is 8 fame instead of 10. This allows players to learn the game in a reasonable amount of time. You can gain fame in many different ways, such as:

  • Completing goals on character cards and ship sheets
  • Completing bounties and jobs
  • Delivering illegal cargo
  • Winning combat against level-2 and level-3 patrols
  • Using cards from the luxury market deck ()

All of these options are described in detail later in this book and summarized on your reference card.

Each time you gain fame, advance your fame marker by the amount gained.

This player has 10 fame, enough to win the game.

Some abilities affect the most famous player (i.e., the player with the most fame). If multiple players are tied for the most fame, they are all considered the most famous player. This means that at the start of the game, every player is the most famous player.

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