- 110 Cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Be the first player to play all of the cards from your Card Stack.
Separate the cards into 2 decks and shuffle them separately.
One deck will have the cards with the purple borders, like this.
Bordered card
The other deck will have the cards with no borders, like this.
Non-Bordered card
Set the deck of Non-bordered cards aside for a minute.
Deal 8 cards from the Bordered card deck face- down to form each player's Card Stack. Each player turns the top card of his/her stack faceup, creating an "UP" card.
Now create a Draw Pile by combining the Bordered and Non-bordered card decks. To do this, hold both decks facedown, and place the Non-bordered cards on top of the Bordered cards. See the illustration below.
Deal 4 facedown cards, from the top of the Draw Pile to each player. These cards make up your hand. You can look at the cards in your hand but keep them secret from the other players.
Now place the Draw Pile to one side of the play area, leaving room next to the Draw Pile for a Discard Pile.
Game Play
Each player begins with a hand of cards and a Card Stack.
Players take turns drawing cards from the Draw Pile and playing cards to Build Piles (which will be established in the center of the play area).
At the end of your turn, you store a card from your hand to one of your Store Piles, which you will establish in front of you. Your goal is to play your cards and get rid of your Card Stack.
The player with the highest value UP card goes first. If there is a tie, the closest player to the left of the dealer with the highest UP card goes first.
On your turn:
- Draw enough cards to bring your hand to 5 cards;
- Play any " 1" cards;
- Play as many cards to Build Piles as you can or want to;
- Store a card.

1. Draw enough cards to bring your hand to 5 cards
Draw cards from the Draw Pile until you have a hand of 5. If the Draw Pile runs out, shuffle the Discard Pile to make a new Draw Pile. Do not draw directly from the Discard Pile.
2. Play any "1" Cards
Check your UP card and the cards in your hand for any "1" cards. If you have one or more "1" cards, you must play them immediately, faceup, side by side, to the center of the table. These are the start of the Build Piles.

Build Piles always start with a 1 and build in ascending order (2, 3, 4, etc)., ending with a 13. Build Piles are shared by all players and anyone may play to them on her turn.
You can play cards from your hand or the top card from any of your Store Piles. You may also be able to play the UP card from your Card Stack to the Build Piles. But remember, cards are played to the Build Piles IN ORDER (no skipping any numbers).
3. Play as Many Cards to Build Piles
Play your cards to the Build Piles in the center of the table. Usually, you want to play your cards in such a way that allows you to play your UP card.
Sometimes, however, you may want to play a card in order to block another player from playing one that she wants. Note that early in the game, you may not be able to play any cards. Don't worry, this will change soon.
Each "1" card is the start of a separate Build Pile. To add to a Build Pile, place a card faceup on top of the pile.
You can play any card from your hand, your UP card, or the top card of one of your Store Piles to any of the Build Piles as long as the card you are playing follows in sequence.
Remember: You win by playing all of the cards from your Card Stack so you want to play cards from your hand and/or Store Piles that allow your UP card to be played to a Build Pile.
If you do play your UP card, immediately flip the top card of your Card Stack faceup to form a new UP card. You may continue playing cards from your hand or Store Piles (if you are lucky, you will be able to play your new UP card right away).
Running Through your Cards - Go Again
If on your turn, you play all five cards from your hand onto Build Piles, you immediately draw five new cards and continue your turn.
4. Store a Card
To end your turn, you must store a card in a Store Pile. Take a card from your hand and place it face up in front of you. This is now one of your Store Piles.
You may have up to four Store Piles at any one time and can add to them in any order, but you can only play the top cards from each pile. Arrange your Store Piles so you can see all the cards in the pile.
Note: Certain cards may not be added to Store Piles: 2s, and Wild cards. These cards are marked with RED numbers to help you remember.
If these are the only cards in your hand, show them to the other players at the end of your turn and do not store a card.

The Cards
Here is a look at the cards that have special functions or rules:
1s: You cannot hold a 1 in your hand. If you draw a 1, or if you turn over a 1 as your UP card, you MUST play it immediately during your turn to create a new Build Pile. This is marked on the card.
2s: You cannot hold a 2 in your hand if, on your turn, there is a Build Pile in play that you can play it onto. If there is no 1 on the table, you MUST hold the 2 in your hand until you can play it. You cannot put a 2 in a Store Pile.
13s - Malice: These cards are used to finish off (or cap) Build Piles. When a 13 is played on a Build Pile:
Discard the entire Build Pile to the Discard Pile;
Whoever plays the 13, takes the top card from the Draw Pile, and without looking at it, gives it facedown to a player of her choice.
That player must then, without looking at it, put the card at the bottom of her Card Stack. HINT: Give the card to the player with the fewest cards left in her Card Stack.
Wild - Spite

Wild cards are actually two cards in one.
Note: If this is your first time playing, we recommend that you don't use the Spite half of the cards and just play using the Wild half.
If you play the card as a Wild card, it takes on whatever value you name EXCEPT 1, 2, 7, or 13. This way you can't start or cap a Build Pile with a wild and you can't move as quickly through the pile.
To play a Wild card, place it face up on a Build Pile, and name its value. When playing a Wild card, note the following:
You cannot play a Wild card on top of another Wild card;
You cannot leave a Wild card on the top of a Build Pile without playing another card on top of it; and
You cannot play a Wild card to a Store Pile.
If you play the card as a Spite card, you get to do fun, spiteful things. Play Spite cards directly to the Discard Pile. After you play one of these cards, do what it says.
When it is not your turn you can still be spiteful! All Spite cards can be played during other players' turns (as well as your own).
Every time another player plays a card to a Build Pile (whether from her hand, her Store Piles, or from her Card Stack), you have the option to play a Spite card. The Spite card does not undo the card just played, but it may prevent the player from playing further cards.
Remember: If you play a Spite card you are giving up a Wild card to do so. Be sure to think carefully about which half of the card is more useful to you.
You're Stuck
In rare cases, you may have a hand of five cards that you can neither play nor store. If this happens, you're stuck! Show the other players your hand, then discard it. At the start of your next turn, draw five new cards.
End of the Game
You win when you play the last card from your Card Stack to a Build Pile.
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