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Rating: 6.4 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Created by: Roberto Fraga, Doris Matthäus

Published by: Devir, Gigamic, Swan Panasia Co., Ltd.

Alternate Names: Fila Filo, Gare à la toile, 蜘蛛三兄妹


"It's positively spiderific to have a sister!" That is something the two spider brothers Parker and Peter can agree on any day. After all, their sister Spinderella is still light enough that the two can rope her down using a single thread of spider silk. Spinderella herself loves this, too.

It is her favorite thing in the world to look down on the forest's main ant road and to give the little guys below the occasional fright. "Gotcha! He he!"- and she has caught another ant, only to return it to where it came from. What Spinderella and her brothers do not know though is that today is the day of the great international ant marathon.

Then again, they would not care which bug team of three takes the gold anyway. Parker, Peter, and Spinderella just want to play...

In Spinderella, players race to get their three ants across the forest floor as quickly as they can, but spiders await in the branches above and - with a little help from opponents - one might swoop down to scoop up your ant and return it to the starting line.

You can do the same to them, of course, so search for the right time to act and the right places to hide.

Retail Price:$38
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