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Rating: 5.3 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 0-15 minutes

Created by:

Published by: University Games

Alternate Names: Størst til mindst


Who knows the Biggest, Fastest, Loudest, Smallest, Longest Everything? The Family Game Where Players Put Things in Order.

Sort it Out! is a fast-paced game where knowing just a little about something can help you win everything! It is a party game based on ordering items in lists (e.g. celebrities by year of birth).

A card of color-coded list items is drawn, and the players slot like colored tiles into position in a plastic holder. The reverse of the list card shows the correct order. By answering questions you move around the game board.

The first one to cross the finish wins.

This is the travel edition of Sorts, for 2-4 players rather than 2-6.

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