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Game Round

  • I. Human Players perform their turns.

    A. Player 1 performs their turn.

    B. Player 2 performs their turn.


    C. The last Player performs their turn.

  • II. The Zombie faction performs its turn.

    A. A card is drawn from the duplicate territory deck.

    B. A Zombie is placed in the drawn territory if a Player unit is there: Place a Zombie if able. Perform any combat from the placed Zombie.

  • C. Move Zombie Hordes.

    D. Begin Combat.


There is a Zombie faction that is not Player controlled actions are based off of the layout of the game board.

Any actions (dice rolls, etc). done by the Zombie faction are to be delegated to a Player not otherwise involved with the action. To play, there must be a duplicate deck of territory cards that only the Zombie faction draws from.1


If the Zombie faction completely controls a territory, the territory's card is placed on the territory itself. No Player gets the reinforcement bonus from the card. Zombies do not get reinforcements from the territories controlled by Zombies.

Card Drawing & Unit Placement

Zombies will take their turn after every full round of Player turns(see below for all steps in a Zombie turn).

During the Zombie turn, a card is drawn from the duplicate deck (a human Player is delegated to do this).

If there are any Player controlled units on the territory drawn, 1 Playercontrolled unit is removed from the board and replaced with 1 Zombie.

If there is another Playercontrolled unit in the territory drawn, begin combat immediately with the Zombie faction as the attacker (see below on how ZombiePlayer combat is done); continue combat until there are either 0 Zombie units in the territory or all Playercontrolled units have been removed. Shuffle the duplicate territory card back into the duplicate territory deck.

Moving & Invading

Zombies do not move territories unless they are invading. Zombies do not leave a unit in a territory when they move from territory to territory. On the Zombie faction's turn, if a Zombiecontrolled territory is adjacent to any Playercontrolled territory, the Zombieterritorymust invade the Playercontrolled territory. To determine which territory to attack, the adjacent territory that has the highest number of Playercontrolled units is chosen. The Zombie territory with the most units attacks first. (See below for ties).

If 2 Zombie territories would attack the same Playercontrolled territory if moved at the same time (the Player territory has the highest adjacent unit count for both Zombie territories), both Zombie territories must attack at the same time. Both armies are moved into the Playercontrolled territory and combined.

If there is a tie to which territory has the highest number of units adjacent to a Zombie territory, 1 of 2 things happens. If a single Player controls all tied territories, that Player chooses which territory is attacked by the Zombie faction. If more than 1 Player controls the tied territories, 1 D6 per tied Player is rolled. The highest rolling Player decides which of the tied territories the Zombie faction attacks.2 After the first move, if an adjacent territory to the invaded territory has more Playercontrolled units than the invaded territory did, the Zombie units attack the new territory. (See below for additional rules for Hordes).

Zombie Combat

Combat from attacking Zombies does not end until the Zombies have defeated the Player in the defending territory completely or the Zombies have been defeated completely.

Dice used when in combat involving Zombies are used the same way as PlayervsPlayer combat (the maximum number of dice of the attacker is higher than that of the defender). The Zombie faction always rolls the maximum number of dice that the rolling Zombie territory can.

In any combat involving Zombies, whether the Zombie faction is attacking or defending, the Zombie faction wins any tied dice roll.

When a Playercontrolled unit is defeated in combat with the Zombie faction, the Zombie faction that is in combat adds those many units. Those added units are used immediately in the combat that added them.

When a Player is the attacker and the Zombie faction is the defender in combat, the Player must use the maximum number of dice that they can for every combat roll. A Player may calloff the attack. After the declaration is made to calloff the attack, 1 more combat roll is made.


At the start of the Zombie turn, if a given territory is at or over 20 Zombie units, all units are removed and replaced with a Horde. The Horde has 3 Undead Points. These Undead Points can only be removed by a Player ability (explained below).

A Horde does not gain any additional units when in combat. When a Horde attacks a territory, all Playercontrolled units are removed automatically. A Horde territory cannot be invaded by a Player.

A Zombie Horde may only move a maximum of 2 territories per round. Hordes move after all other Zombiecontrolled territories have moved if allowed. If 2 or more Hordes would enter the same territory if moved at the same time, one Horde is removed and to other resets to 3 Undead Points.


Other than the additions below, Players use the same Player rules as in regular Risk.

Empty Territories

When a Player moves into a territory that has only its territory card in it, the Player moving into the territory takes the territory card. That Player now owns the territory. All territory rules apply (at least 1 unit must be left in the territory, etc).. When units are moved into an empty territory, the units may not move until the fortification step of the Player's turn.


Before a Player moves but after placing reinforcements, a Player may choose to Evacuate any territories they control adjacent to a Zombie territory. If Evacuate is used, a Player's turn ends immediately after moving their units (no additional moving, attacking, or fortifying of units).

Evacuate may only happen to territories that a Player controls that are adjacent to a Zombiecontrolled territory. All Playercontrolled territories next to a single Zombie territory have their units removed (0 units remain). Those units are placed in Player controlled territories adjacent to the Evacuate territories.

After Evacuate, the territory card of a territory that units were moved from is placed on the territory. No Player gains a bonus or owns the territory.

Removing Hordes

A Player may remove 1 of the Undead Points at a time. Before a Player's reinforcement step at the start of their turn, a Player may declare that they are removing an Undead Point. The Player does not receive any reinforcements, they are not allowed to reposition troops, and cannot attack during their turn.

Once a Horde is selected, the Player removing an Undead Point rolls 2 dice. If both dice are evenfaced or if both dice are oddfaced, the Horde loses 1 Undead Point; if the 2 dice show an evenand an oddface, the rolling Player's turn ends.

If a Horde has only 1 Undead Point left and a Player removes it, that Horde is removed from the board. The territory card the Horde was on must be placed on the territory.

End of the Game

A Player wins when they are the only Player remaining on the board, Zombies excluded.

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