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Rating: 5.2 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-10 players
Playing time: 30-3 minutes

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Published by: Educational Insights


Players take turns drawing cards from the box and reading three clues aloud. The other players try to be the first to answer with three rhyming words that match the clues.

For example "1) a home, 2) a rodent in your home, 3) a girl's dressy shirt". Answers: "House, Mouse, Blouse". First player to say the correct answers in order wins the card. First player to collect 10 cards wins.

Be careful: Some cards are "steal" cards enabling the player who wins it to steal a card from another player. The 300 included cards have an easy side including an optional hint that can be read to the players, and a harder side with harder clues and no hints, for a total of 600 questions.

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