Bear Rider

A furious penguin mounted on a colossal white bear attacks you!
The player who revealed this card must take the pistol and shoot the Bear tar- get with a dart before the next Cry. You can take as many shots as you need.
If a Cry sounds before you shoot the target, you fail and lose 1 Life Point.
Space Penguin

The statue of these penguins' deity comes to life and lunges toward you! You can only fight it with a special weapon hidden in the wreckage of a pirate ship on the island.
The player who revealed this card must get up and go touch the Pirate Ship base, then return to her seat, take the pistol, and shoot the Space Penguin target with a dart before hearing the next Cry. You can take as many shots as you need.
If a Cry sounds before you shoot the tar- get, you fail and lose 1 Life Point.
Suspension Bridge

You reach a suspension bridge over a deep ravine. The ropes don't look too sturdy, so you'd better hurry!
The player who revealed this card must get up and go touch one of the Suspension Bridge bases, then the other, and return to his seat before hearing the next Cry.
If a Cry sounds before you get back, you fail and lose 1 Life Point.
Penguin Rampage

A horde of relentless penguins charges right at you. Gather your affairs and get out of there!
The player who reveals this card must take all cards from the middle of the table and distribute them as evenly as possible to all players (including herself) before hearing the next Cry. Players place these cards face-down under their respective Adventure decks.
If a Cry sounds before you distribute all the cards, you fail and lose 1 Life Point, but you must still finish distributing the cards.
Monkey Sorcerer

Lost in the jungle, you encounter a mysterious monkey sorcerer, the only friendly face on this island.
When a player reveals this card, everyone tries to tap it. The first player to tap it regains 1 Life Point (flip a Skull card back to the Heart side).
But beware! If you tap it and have all of your Life Points, the Monkey Sorcerer punishes you. Lose 1 Life Point, instead!
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