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Rating: 5.7 Fair
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 60 minutes

Official Site: Palazzo game page at Rio Grande Games

Created by: Reiner Knizia, Claus Stephan

Published by: alea, Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH, Rio Grande Games

Alternate Names: パラッツォ


Who will build the most magnificent palace? In the game of Palazzo, set in the age of the late renaissance, the players slip on the roles of wealthy landowners, who compete against each other to build the most valuable palaces.

As their constructions grow, the players must choose from the available palace modules from the quarries, so they can add to their palaces.

Of course, none of this building can be done without money, so sometimes players must take time out to earn some money so they can afford to continue their building projects.

This game is #2 in the Alea medium box series.

Retail Price:$27

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