- 54 Cards
- Instructions
Shuffle and deal the following number of cards face-down to each player. These are everyone's personal piles.
- 3-4 players: 8 cards
- 5-6 players: 6 cards
Put the rest of the cards back in the tin.
Object of the Game
Be the first player to run out of cards (while having lots of silly fun).
Game Play
The player who does the best imitation of a woolly mammoth goes first.
if you are the first to start, turn over your top card and place it in the center of the table. Say the word written on the card and challenge the player on your left by pointing to that player while saying, "Hal"
Example: Say "Pooka",and then "Ha!" while pointing to the player on your left.
If you are the next player, turn over your top card and place it on top of the previously played card so that the word is covered, but not the picture.
Then, say the words in order from both cards on the table and finish with "Ha!" as you point to the player on your left to pass the challenge on.
Example: Say "Pooka, Ska",and then "Ha!" while pointing to the player on your left.
Continue playing this way: each player adds a card to the chain, repeats the previous cards in order, and passes the challenge on.
The Rumsa Card
The rumba card reverses the direction of play.
When you place a rumba card on the table, recite the chain, finish with "Rumba!" and point to the player on your right.
The word "rumba!" becomes part of the Ooga Sooga chain.

The 3 Action Cards
When you place an action card on the table, recite the chain and then perform the action. The action becomes a part of the chain.

If you forget a word, misremember, stutter or hesitate too long, the other players can call you out by banging both fists on the table and chanting in unison, "Pa bo! Pa bo! Pa bo!"
Everyone checks to make sure the claim is correct.
If you did make a mistake, take 3 cards from the chain and add them to the bottom of your personal pile. Discard the rest of the chain in the tin.
If you did not make a mistake, the player who first started chanting "pabo" takes 3 cards from the chain and adds them to the bottom of his/her personal pile. Discard the rest of the chain in the tin.
A new round starts after a stumble is called. The player who just collected cards places a card on the table to start a new round.
End of the Game
if you manage to add your last card to the chain and repeat all sounds up to your own, yell "Ooga booga!" instead of "Ha!" and win the game.
Advanced Vartion
1. Ooga Dare:
Players choose who recites next. On your turn, recite the chain and point to any player to pass the challenge. You cannot point to the player who just challenged you.
When you laydown a rumba card, include the word in the chant without reversing the direction of play.
2. Memory Master:
Play without the visual cues. Take turns placing your cards on top of the other cards, covering the stack entirely so you cannot see the pictures in the chain.
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