Sphinx, Diver, and Confusion 
Dreams are neither good nor bad (this dichotomy originated from the Dreamwalkers' need to categorize their reality); in other words, Dreams are not always related to Sognae or Incubi.
As such, the Diver is a being whose existence is focused on the last steps of one's journey, and although it oftentimes turns into an Incubus, Dreamwalkers would do well to remember the prophetic help it can offer them.
Regarding the Confusion, whose name evokes all but its true nature (another lemma from the Dreamwalkers), its thirst for renewal has led to many happy beginnings.
Finally, we end this list with the Sphinx, who lets Dreamwalkers choose their own riddle - consequently, can we truly blame itfor the recklessness of certain Dreamwalkers?
- Archon's Codex, paragraph 65

Shuffle the 14 cards of this expansion in the deck.
The Sphinx

The Sphinx is a Dream card. When you draw a Sphinx card during phase 2 Fill your hand, you must immediately name either:
one of the four colors of the labyrinth: red - Observatory, blue - Aquarium, green - Garden, brown - Library, or
one of the following three symbols: Moon, Key or Glyph (when playing with The Glyphs expansion).
Then, reveal the first 5 cards from the bottom of the deck.
If one or more cards match the named aspect (color or symbol), choose one of the 5 revealed cards and put it on top of the deck. Return the other 4 cards to the bottom of the deck, in the order of your choice.
If none of the cards match the named category, return the 5 cards to the bottom of the deck, in the order of your choice. Then, discard your hand, as if you were applying the effect of a Nightmare card. Finally, draw a new hand of 5 cards.
In both cases, discard the Sphinx card.
The Diver

The Diver is a Dream card. When you draw a Diver card during phase 2 Fill your hand, you must reveal the first card from the bottom of the deck.
If that card is not a Nightmare card, you may either put it on top of the deck, or reveal the next card.
In this manner, you may reveal cards as long as you wish, until you reveal a Nightmare card, or you choose to stop and place the last revealed card on top of the deck.
Note that only the last revealed card may be put on top of the deck. If you choose to put the last revealed card on top of the deck, discard the Diver card, and return all other revealed cards to the bottom of the deck, in the order of your choice.
If you reveal a Nightmare card, return all revealed cards to the bottom of the deck, in the order of your choice, including the Nightmare card. You must then resolve the Diver card as if you had just drawn a Nightmare card.
Finally, discard the Diver card.
The Confusion

The Confusion is a Dream card. When you draw a Confusion card during phase 2 Fill your hand, immediately put your hand to the bottom of the deck, in the order of your choice.
Then, draw a new hand of 5 cards (like when you discard your whole hand after applying the effect of a Nightmare card).
Finally, discard the Confusion card.

The Extra Nightmare Cards
These cards work exactly like the base game Nightmare cards.
The Mirrors 
Deep in the labyrinth, mirrors behave in the strangest way, reflecting both what can be found in front and behind them.
Dreamwalkers deem their voyage incomplete unless they've explored both cardinal mirrors (translator's note: the Moon and the Sun).
Many among them find themselves immediately lost as they spend too much time on the other side, exploring locations and detours, hoping to find treasure and power that is said to hide there.
- Oniversal Cartography I, g4.

9 MIRROR CARDS (Sun, Moon, Key, Glyph, Red, Blue, Green, Brown and Rainbow)
Place the Mirror cards on the table, within easy reach, so that the unexplored side is visible. When playing without The Glyphs expansion, return the Glyph Mirror card to the box.
Only use the Rainbow Mirror card when you wish to play a more challenging game; return it to the box otherwise.
Additional Victory Condition
In order to win the game, you must also have explored the Sun and Moon Mirror cards, along with the 8 Door cards from the basic game. In the hard version of the game, you also need to explore the Rainbow Mirror card.
Game Play
Same as in the base game except for the following:
Play a pair of Location cards under a Mirror card
You must observe the following when choosing this action:
You may only play a pair of cards matching the color or symbol of the mirror under each Mirror card.
Examples: only red Location cards may be played under the Red Mirror card (regardless of the symbol of those cards). Similarly, only Location cards featuring the Sun symbol may be played under the Sun Mirror card (regardless of the color of those cards).
The pair of Location cards must be played under the same Mirror card. This means that, when choosing this action, it is not possible to split your two cards between two Mirror cards.
Exploring a Mirror Card
When there are a total of 4 played cards under the same Mirror card, apply that Mirror card's effect (if any) and then flip it to its explored side. No further cards may be played under this Mirror card. Finally, discard the 4 Location cards.
When you choose to play a pair of cards under a Mirror card, you must draw two cards to fill your hand; draw them one after the other.
You do not need to flip a Mirror card to its explored side before you start playing cards under another Mirror card.
You may not play only one card under a Mirror card.
Mirror Cards Effects
Red: Look through the deck for two cards of your choice, shuffle the deck, and place those two cards on top of the deck.
Blue: Look through the discard pile for two cards of your choice and place them on top of the deck.
Green: Look through the deck for a Nightmare card and discard it without applying its effects. Then, shuffle the deck.
Brown: Look through the deck for a Door card of the color of your choice and put it into play. Then, shuffle the deck.
Key: Look through the deck for two Nightmare cards and discard them without applying their effects. Then, look through the deck for two Door cards of the color of your choice and put them into play. Finally, shuffle the deck.
Glyph: Look through the deck for three Door cards of your choice and put them into play. Then, shuffle the deck.
Sun & Moon: No effect, other than the fact that they must be flipped to their explored side for you to win the game.
Rainbow: Like the Sun and Moon Mirror cards. Remove it for an easier game. In order to explore this card, you must play one card of each color under it (regardless of the symbol).
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