Tricks Cards
Achieve one or more rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line.
Cards list: Flip, 2 Flips, 3 Flips and 4 Flips.
Flip Back (Basic - 1 Mokuru)
Achieve one or more rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line, stop and make it back to its starting point. The stop of the Mokuru should be brief.
Cards list: Flip, 2 Flips, 3 Flips and 4 Flips.
Triangle (Basic - 1 Mokuru)
Make 3 rotations of the Mokuru in a triangle shape. The stop of the Mokuru at each triangle top should be brief.
Blind Flip (Basic - 1 Mokuru)
Achieve one or more rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line and with closed eyes.
Flip & Hold (Advanced - 1 Mokuru)
Achieve one or more rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line and stop it on the back of your hand.
Cards List: Flip & Hold, 2 Flips & Hold, 3 Flips & Hold, 4 Flips & Hold.
Flip Back & Hold (Advanced - 1 Mokuru)
Achieve one or more rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line, brief stop and make it back to its starting point and stop it on the back of your hand.
Cards List: Flip back & Hold, 2 Flip back & Hold, 3 Flip back & Hold, 4 Flip back & Hold.
Flip & Kiss (Advanced - 2 Mokuru)
Achieve one or more rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line. You launch & stop the Mokuru (regular or small) with a second regular Mokuru.
Cards List: Flip & Kiss, 2 Flips & Kiss, 3 Flips & Kiss, 4 Flips & Kiss.
Flip Back & Kiss (Advanced - 2 Mokuru)
Achieve one or more rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line, brief stop and make it back to its starting point.
You launch & stop the Mokuru (regular or small) with a second regular Mokuru.
Cards List: Flip back & Kiss, 2 Flips back& Kiss, 3 Flips back& Kiss, 4 Flips back& Kiss.
Double Triangle (Advanced - 2 Mokuru)
Make 3 rotations of the Mokuru in a triangle shape. You play with both hands and perform the 2 triangles at the same time.
The stop of the Mokuru at each triangle top should be brief.
Square (Advanced - 2 Mokuru)
Make 4 rotations of the Mokuru in a square shape.
The stop of the Mokuru at each square top should be brief.
2 Flips (Battle - 2 Mokuru)
Player that draws the card chooses an opponent. The 2 players will play at the same time, quickest will win.
Cards List: 2, 3, 4 Flips, 2, 3, 4 Flips back, , Triangle, Triangle back, Square, Square back.
Flip & Hold (Challenge - 1 Mokuru)
Achieve one rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line and stop it on the back of your hand, 3 times in a row.
As you have 3 tries, you can fail on 2 rotations only.
Flip & Catch (Challenge - 1 Mokuru)
Achieve one rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line and stop it on the palm of your hand, 3 times in a row.
As you have 3 tries, you can fail on 2 rotations only.
Crossroad (Challenge - 1 Mokuru)
Launch the Mokuru for 1 rotation from your left hand to your right hand and launch it back to your left hand, 3 times in a row (then 6 rotations in total).
As you have 3 tries, you can fail on 2 rotations only.
Marathon (Challenge - 1 Mokuru)
Player that draws this card starts playing. He launches the Mokuru for 1 rotation. Player 2 stops it and launches it for player 3 etc...
When a player fails his stop or rotation (not enough or too quick), he is excluded. Last player win the challenge.
Master Trick Cards
5 Flips
Achieve 5 rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line.
5 Flips Back
Achieve 5 rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line brief stop and make it back to its starting point and stop it.
2 Blinds Flip
Achieve two rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line and with closed eyes.
Blind Flip Back
Achieve one rotation of the Mokuru in a straight line, brief stop and make it back to its starting point with closed eyes.
Double Square
Make 4 rotations of the Mokuru in a square shape. You play with both hands and perform the 2 squares at the same time.
The stop of the Mokuru at each square top should be brief.
Triangle Back
Make 3 rotations of the Mokuru in a triangle shape. Brief stop and go back to start position.
The stop of the Mokuru at each triangle top should be brief.
Triangle & Hold
Make 3 rotations of the Mokuru in a triangle shape and stop it on the back of your hand.
Triangle Back & Hold
Make 3 rotations of the Mokuru in a triangle shape. Brief stop and go back to start position, and stop it on the back of your hand.
5 Flips Back & Hold
Achieve 5 rotations of the Mokuru in a straight line. Brief stop and go back to start position, and stop it on the back of your hand.
Twin Flip
Achieve one or more rotations of 2 Mokuru at the same time with only one hand, in a straight line and stop it.
Cards List: Twin Flip, 2 Twin Flip, 3 Twin Flip top should be brief.
Twin Flip Back
Achieve one or more rotations of 2 Mokuru at the same time with only one hand, in a straight line. Brief stop and make it back to its starting point.
Cards List: Twin Flip Back, 2 Twin Flip Back, 3 Twin Flip Back.
Actions Cards
Duel (Play It)
When a player draws a Duel card, he challenges the player of his choice to run a trick. He draws the next trick card and launched the duel.
If the card is another Action card, they are discarded immediately. Players try to do this challenge alternatively until a player succeeds and the other not, in the limit of 3 tries per player.
The victorious player progresses on the belts board. In case of equality, the 2 players are progressing.
The game continues with the player who comes after the one that started the duel.
Immunity (Keep It)
When a player draws an immunity card, he keeps it and plays it whenever he wants. When this card is played, it is discarded.
An immunity card can be played to refuse a duel. In this case, nobody is moving and this is to the player next to the one that caused the duel, to play.
This card can also be played to win a challenge (unless a master challenge). A player may try a challenge and decide after 3 failures to use his immunity card to progress on the balt board.
It can also be used to counteract the effect of another action card. In this case, the player will normally play his turn.
Darkness (Play It)
The player who draws this card is possessed by an evil spirit. He chooses in the deck a unique challenge he'll impose to other players. Of course, it will mix the deck then.
The spirit immediately leaves the possessed player and makes it advanced from one belt. All other players must, one after others, perform the challenge imposed rather than drawing a card.
Mini Mokuru (Play It)
From now, and for 1 turn, all players will perform tricks or master tricks with the small Mokuru.
For Flip & Kiss trick, it's the small Mokuru that must be launched with a regular one. Discard this card and draw a new trick card.
Positive Boost (Play It)
Choose a player that will win immediately 1 belt on the belt board (except someone on the black belt of course).
Discard this card and draw a new trick card.
Swap (Play It)
Change your place with another player on the Belt board (except someone on the black belt of course).
Discard this card and draw a new trick card.
Negative Boost (Play It)
Choose a player that will lose immediately 1 belt on the belt board. You can choose someone on the black belt of course.
Discard this card and draw a new trick card.
The Doom (Play It)
Pick a trick card (if you pick a Battle card, discard it). If you succeed the trick (only 1 try) you send the player of your choice back to the white belt on the belt board. You are not moving on the belt board.
If you fail or if the player targeted play an immunity card, you go back to the white belt on the belt board and you can't block it with another immunity card.
Belt Steal (Play It)
Steal a belt to another player. This one will lose 1 belt on the board; you win one belt on the board. If you are on the black belt, you stay on the black belt.
Discard this card and draw a new trick card.
Give a Trick (Keep It)
You can give a trick card you just pick, to the player of your choice. This player must do this trick at his turn instead of drawing a card.
If you are not on the black belt you can't give your trick to a player on it. If you are on the black belt, you can give your master trick only to another player also on the black belt. Discard this card and draw a new trick card.
Steal a Trick (Keep It)
You can steal a trick card that another player just pick. You will have to do this trick at your turn instead of picking a new card. If you are on the black belt, you can steal only a Master trick. If you are not on it, you can only steal a normal trick.
The player that loses his trick will pick a new card and play as normal. Discard this card after use.
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