Japanese style gardens are an elegant form of art expression through nature. Nothing is left to chance. Everything is planned down to the last detail. Become a Japanese style garden designer and create your own place of calm.
You'll skillfully place stones, bushes, ponds, and pagodas on multiple levels within your garden to become the best garden designer of the season.
"Miyabi" is Japanese for "elegance", "grace", or "refinement".

- 4 garden game boards
- 24 wooden lanterns
- 6 5th layer bonus tiles
- 1 bonsai tree
- 1 building round marker
- 8 wooden scoring stones
- 16 Zen tiles
- 1 scoreboard
- 4 frog markers
- 96 garden tiles
- 5 Expansion Tiles
- Instructions

Place the scoreboard in the center of the table
Aand the building round marker on the field marked "1"B.Each player takes a game board
Cand places it face-up in front of them. Each player also receives 6 lanternsDand the two matching scoring stones in the color of their choice. Extra game boards, lanterns, scoring stones, and expansion tiles are not needed and can be put back in the box.Each player places one of their scoring stones to the left of the first space on the scoring board
E. The other stone is placed on the "0" field of the point strip with the SO point stepsF.Place the 6 bonus tiles face-up next to the score board
G. Keep the info card and the assembled bonsai tree nearbyH.Place all 96 garden tiles
Iface-down into the box lid.
Game Play
The game takes place over several building rounds. During a building round, you'll take turns designing your own Japanese style gardens.
The number of building rounds is determined by the number of players and is noted on the scoreboard.

- 2 players = 6 building rounds
- 3 players = S building rounds
- 4 players = 4 building rounds
Building Round Order
At the start of each building round, each player places their lanterns above their game board.

The number of garden tiles that you need per building round differs depending on the number of players.
How many tiles of each type can be found on the info card.
Take the appropriate number of each garden tile type (single, double, triple corner, and triple straight) from the box and place them face-up in the center of the table.
Each Player will take up to 6 turns each building round.
The youngest player is the start player and receives the bonsai tree for the first building round.
On your turn, you will either select and place a garden tile , or pass if there is a not a tile you can play. If you place a tile, you will place a lantern and then score points.
Then the next player in a clockwise direction will take their turn.
Place a garden tile or pass
Take one garden tile of your choice from the center of the table and place it on your game board.
The following rules apply:
Each row in your garden can only contain one type of object, depicted on the left side of the board. Place the garden tile in such a way that any objects it shows are in the correct rows.
There is a lantern field for each column on your game board. Place the garden tile so that the objects shown are also in a column with an empty lantern field.
The empty green fields of a garden tile may lay in any row or column, regardless of whether the lantern field of the column is empty or full.
The garden tile must be placed on the game board within the square 6x6 grid. It must not extend beyond the grid.
Garden tiles may be placed on top of other already placed garden tiles, but only if the entire new tile is on top of already placed tiles. Objects on other garden tiles may be covered. All other placement rules still apply.
If you are not able to place a garden tile, you must pass for the rest of the building round (skip placing a lantern and scoring) while the other players continue to play.
Place a lantern
Place a lantern onto the lantern field of the column you just played objects into.
You immediately receive points for the placed garden tile equal to: "number of objects on the garden tile" x "the layer on which you placed it"
In a pond, each fish counts as an object.
For the garden tile with the 3 pagodas, the player receives: 3 pagodas x layer 1=3 points
During a later building round, the player places the tile with 2 fish in a pond, and receives 2 fish x layer 2 = 4 points
Move your scoring stone forward by the number of points received on the score board.
If your scoring stone moves past the 50 space, start at 0 again and move your second stone forward one space on the SO point track.
Note For Layer 5:
For each object type there is one bonus tile that earns players extra points. Each bonus tile for an object type is awarded to the first player who places a garden tile with that object on the fifth layer.
Move your scoring marker forward by the number of points shown on the bonus tile, then remove the bonus tile from the game.
Building Round End
The current building round ends after all players have either:
- filled all their lantern fields with lanterns
- passed
Garden tiles that were not used in this building round are removed from the game.
The building round marker is moved one space forward. At the start of the next building round, place your lanterns back above your board and take the garden tiles for the next building round out of the box.
The bonsai tree is passed to the next player, making them the start player. Then, the next building round can begin.
End of the Game
The game ends after the last building round. Now it's time for final scoring. Points are given for the most objects in each row.
Each row is scored individually:
The player with the most visible objects in one row receives the higher score shown on the left side of the row. The player with the second most number of visible objects in that row receives the lower score for that row.
These players move their scoring stones forward by the appropriate num- ber of fields. All other players receive no points.
If there is a tie for the most objects, all tied players receive the higher score. In this case, however, there are no points awarded for the player(s) with the second most number of objects.
If there is a tie for only the second most number of objects, all tied players receive the lower score.
Now everyone adds up the value of their two scoring stones. Whoever scores the most points wins! The winner is the best gardener of the season. Tied players share their victory!

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